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Keystone Jack for HDMI or Not


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Installing a wall mount LCD TV and I want to put in a combined recessed power and Low Voltage Outlet behind the TV and an additional Low Voltage outlet by the sources (2 HDMI's).  Any concern with going with HDMI Keystone Jacks as it introduces 3 connections in the cable path (source->jack, jack->jack, Jack->TV).   I'm concerned about using the open hole low voltage faceplates as there is blown-in insulation on this wall.  





I appreciate any input on what you guys are successfully doing on your installs and/or specific product recommendations.




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Even an easy pick-up:




Less connections is better, more so on HDMI than anything else. That said I've used HDMI keystone inserts and others without a single fail to date when aesthetics called for them - if you can get (and return) them easily it may be worth a shot.

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  • 4 months later...

I need to do an HDMI outlet in my family room for a portable game console system and can't have the proposed on-q wallpate.  So, I'll be doing an HDMI keystone outlet.  Does anyone have any recommendations on the HDMI keystone they like using and have had good success with?  There are several online and on Amazon.com, so I wanted to see what everyone has had good success with.  Thanks!



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