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Stopping A Scheduled Event

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I have a wakeup announcement that plays in the AM to get the kids out of bed and it's scheduled Mon-Fri at 6:00am. If I don't want that announcement to fire off - maybe they have school, sickness, etc. - how can I stop that event from happening?  Using the Scheduler and Announcements, I can't seem to devise a way.  I'd like to just press the Blue button on the Bedroom SR250 and stop the announcements.




Thanks in advance,




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you just need to add a boolean variable to the mix that toggles between true/false.  Then you can do the programming under your scheduled action as follows


when schedule executes

    -->if variable x is true

          --->execute wake up announcement


You can use the blue button on the remote to toggle the variable back and forth but i'd highly recommend attaching it to a keypad somewhere so you can use the LED to indicate the state of the variable.  You need to have some type of feedback on what state it is in or you will be taking a shot in the dark as to whether your alarm is going to go off.  If you have a keypad button you can use just set the button to toggle the variable, then program the LED for that button to change color based on the state of the variable, ie green for true, red for false.  

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Just had a thought, but not sure if there is a better way.  


Created Good Morning Schedule to fire off at 5am. Created a timer for 1:30:00.  Created custom button called Good Morning and programmed it so that if timer Good Morning is started-stop timer Good Morning on Press. If Timer Good Morning expires, play Announcement Good Morning. So if I wake up (obviously after 5am) and I don't want the announcement to play, I just hit the button and it stops the timer.  I also programmed it to my SR-250 in the Master Bedroom.  The only issue here is if I wake up before 5am and I pressed the button, nothing would happen, so I could just start the time at like 8pm the previous day and then set the timer accordingly, that might work better.


Any better, real world, best practice?

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Thanks Matt - much better solution.  Works awesome.  As a rule, should I have variables for most everything?  Like when the theater is on set theater variable to true and then set led to green on the keypad?  Versus just using video selection changes or power off room state?  Or is that redundant?  I've been having problems with some of my LED colors on this type of programming and maybe this is a better way.


Just looking for some best practices...


Thanks again!



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I personally wouldn't use a variable in that scenario.  You could, but like you said that just seems redundant to me.  One thing I've noticed with changing LEDs on keypads through programming is if you have the LED programmed to switch to a color you still have a default release color for that button in it's properties. Sometimes you end up changing the LED to the color you want through programming before the LED changes to it's default release button color.  So the LED actually switches to the color you want then back to it's release color basically instantly.  I've just added a quick 500ms delay before i change the color through programming.  that lets it take it's default release color before i switch it to the color i want.  This should only occur if the action you want to change the color off of in the first place is triggered by a button press of the button your changing the LED light on.


As I read that back to myself it sounds super confusing, and possibly not very helpful.  I swear it makes sense in my head :)

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