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IFTTT Integration (both actions and triggers)?


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I was thinking about how you would architect this and i think it would be painful to make work....I can explain more later but it would require C4 to majorly re-architect how your controller works and allow a web based API to call actions on your local controller.  Don't see how that would work.

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I was thinking about how you would architect this and i think it would be painful to make work....I can explain more later but it would require C4 to majorly re-architect how your controller works and allow a web based API to call actions on your local controller.  Don't see how that would work.


Care to explain more?  I thought you can already invoke actions on your controller via web commands sent through drivers Allan and Ryan both have. 


You could even hodge podge something together, possibly, via the twitter driver and the IFTTT Twitter channel. Also the e-mail driver.  It would be convoluted programming all the way around but I'm thinking with some creativity you could get it done.  


I don't see how C4 making an IFTTT channel would be that difficult for them, though I easily could be missing something and horribly wrong. 

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Everything that has a channel is Internet based. Your controller in your home isn't Internet based. Control would have to have a persistent connection to your controller and a Web api which they don't have.

The Web drivers, while http, are local network not Internet

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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You could have a driver that accepts push commands from something similar to notify, email, twitter drivers that currently exist.  Actually you could have a separate pop email account for the controller that polls at a set interval and executes based on incoming email commands.

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You could have a driver that accepts push commands from something similar to notify, email, twitter drivers that currently exist. Actually you could have a separate pop email account for the controller that polls at a set interval and executes based on incoming email commands.

That would be the only way to do it without control4 changes

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I've thought about it a little more and talked with a few folks.  I know some people use email as a trigger for IFTTT actions (i.e. C4 sends an email to some address tied into an IFTTT recipe).   That works, but I have some concerns that there may be a bit of a lag in the email going out or being received.   So the avenue I'm now thinking about is using Wemo switches as a kind of proxy to act as a conduit for my C4 system to have 2-way communication with IFTTT.   


My current thinking is to pickup a few wemo outlet switches for about $44 (http://www.amazon.com/WeMo-Electronics-Automation-Smartphones-Compatible/dp/B00BB2MMNE) and integrate them into my C4 system using the HouseLogix Wemo Switch driver (https://www.houselogix.com/shop/belkin-wemo-switch).  Although I guess I could use the wemo switches to actually switch a load, I am thinking I might just plug them into an electrical outlet with nothing plugged into them.  And then I use IFTTT recipes (https://ifttt.com/wemo_switch) on the other side to accomplish the things I want on the other side.  And then they also work the other way as well....IFTTT can control the wemo switch, which C4 is monitoring and picking up changes.


So an example of this would be to use the IFTTT built in geolocation service to create a trigger when I leave my office.  The IFTTT recipe would call for the wemo switch to be turned on at that time.   C4 detects the change in the state of the wemo outlet switch, which triggers some programming actions I've setup in Composer.   (I realize there is already a native C4 geofence driver that would accomplish this.   I am just using this as an example.  There are over 200 IFTTT "channels" that could be incorporated into C4 using this method) 


Does this make sense?  Are there holes/flaws in my thinking?  Is anybody doing anything like this?   As an add-on idea, the new Amazon Echo system integrates with Wemo.  So the wemo switches could also be a bridge between C4 and the Echo device.

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Ok, here it goes, Alan and I were discussing, and Alan believes this can be done w/his TCP Event driver, but I was thinking about writing one...



So here is the thought, IFTTT has a channel called the Makers channel - https://ifttt.com/maker.  The Makers channel allows you to Trigger IFTTT events off of anything.  


So you would have to do programming in Both C4 and IFTTT to make things happen.


It's a simple JSON request.


This only solves half the problem

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Direct interaction is easily possible if you get a little creative with programming. Use the Maker channel on IFTTT to get things in and out. On the Control4 side for receiving commands - grab the WebEvents driver from UntestedHacks (http://untestedhacks.com/2013/web-events-driver/), give yourself a DDNS and forward the appropriate ports on your router. For triggering actions, grab Alan Chow's TCP Command driver (http://www.chowmain.co.nz/generic-tcp-command/) and set it to send an HTTP GET request to the Maker channel.


If you want to do some basic Amazon Echo integration (turning things "on" and "off"), setup the Amazon Echo HA Bridge (https://github.com/armzilla/amazon-echo-ha-bridge) on a spare computer or Rapsberry Pi and have it trigger an HTTP GET event to the WebEvents driver. Ex: Name a switch in the Echo HA Bridge "Living Room TV" - have the HA Bridge fire off an HTTP GET to http://controller_ip:8080/TVON (or whatever you decide to title your trigger action in Composer) and have Control4 turn on the TV, Reciever, etc.


Both are a little primitive, but they require no knowledge of Driver Editor. 

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