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General info on Annex4 drivers/function Link


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I am looking at some of the Annex4 drivers and trying to understand the functions provided by the LINK driver.  Can anyone give me a summary of how the driver is beneficial to me as a homeowner?  For example, the doc mentions monitoring services - what do those actually do?

is this essentially their version of what driver Central cloud does?

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Our LiNK driver provides CPU and Memory usage logging which aids in seeing if the system there is a controller memory leak among other things.  We also encrypt all of our communication between our server and the driver.

We can let a dealer know if the system is online, wan IP address, reboot the director and various other administrative tasks.

Our LiNK driver was the first to pass licenses from controller to our server in a secure manner. It also provides auto update for our drivers and just recently got some additional enhancements for some new never been done features.  We have had our platform running for over 2 years now.

That said once licenses are assigned, the driver can be removed.

If you hav any specific questions we would be glad to answer them.

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