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HC1000v3 Hard Drive and Kernel Panic?


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I have a fairly extensive C4 installation and have come to the point where I really think an HC1000 will help speed things up. I am running 1.7.4 so I can't run Zigbee Pro, or use the HC800 hardware. I found someone who is decommissioning their C4 system and they have an HC1000 they are willing to sell me. Problem is, it doesn't seem to work... If you connect a monitor to it, the controller boots up but kernel panics at mounting /dev/sdb1. There is a message about not being able to mount the main Solid State Drive in Read/Write. The model number listed on the drive is a Seagate ST3500312CS, which is not an SSD. Is it possible someone swapped drives for a standard HDD, or am I missing something? Any other advice anyone has on getting this to boot up?


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Hi Ryan

I was able to get my hands on an HC1000v3 and it appears to have the dreaded DOM failure. I've been working with Linux for quite a long time, so I used the Recovery USB to build a new boot drive onto a USB flash drive, and backed up the c4key that lives on the 4th partition on the original DOM (assuming it wasn't corrupted, which those sectors don't appear to be). I am able to get the HC1000 to boot up, all filesystems are mounted and all services start, except Director. Turning on debug I see the message "invalid key" for Director repeated over and over. Is the key tied to something burned into the DOM or something else? Do I have any options to get this thing running, or this this controller trashed?


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