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Navigator options


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You may need to be a little clearer here.

-With navigator do you mean touch-screens and on-screen, or are you talking about remotes.

-What do you mean by create a button in the top menu (related to what device but still.

-Not sure what you mean by "for a room, instead of using watch" - Do you want a button on a TScreen or remote to directly select a source?

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No problem. You can do this to a degree, albeit with some limitations.

First, one TScreen can only do 1 room.

This can get confusing so it's at your own "risk".

Create a macro for every device you want here, and program selecting the source in that room in that macro - you'll need to do this per room and per TScreen using Composer Pro/HE

Create a custom screen (under more - settings) - again you will need to do this for every touchscreen

From there you would create custom "buttons" (icon choice will be limited) and have those trigger a Macro (this is done at the screen - not in composer).

As you can see this gets rather complex and extensive to do - with quite a bit of room for error. I personally also find that using the custom screens can be limiting - they prevent you from either havinga default room, or you wont be able to get into other rooms with the default interface anymore.

Simpler but less pretty is using the "normal" custom buttons. Theses are still one more press but the slide in and out rather nicely - these show up as tabs along the side of the screen (4 tabs with 6 buttons max each). These can be created and programmed fully using composer HE. These are ALSO selecteable to be different based on the room you have selected on the touchscreen - ie the custom button will select a source based on the room your screen is on. This option means creating custom buttons per room vs doing them for all rooms at once - but it allows you the flexability.

The custom button agent is required for this - usually active by default but a dealer may need to add it for you.

If you want something like this that's a lot more reliable, easier to get done and change and can be easily bypassed should things get confusing - have a look at either StartHere App or Quick-control App - these will allow this sort of control, and it's fairly easy to program a touchscreen to default to the app. These are paid apps however.

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