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TVs compatible with C4


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I'm facing a problem to find a TV that would work with C4 in Saudi Arabia "Middle East". All TVs listed in the Composer are meant to be manufactured for United State market. My question is, can I use those TVs available in local market that are similar to the models in Composer 2.5.3 ?

Anybody has any suggestion?



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No, almost any IR driver for brand "A", device type "B" of a similar generation should work on a device that's similar.


Basic control such as on/off volume rarely changes, though input layout/amounts can be different.

Just a matter of trying.


IP/Serial SAN sometimes work, but be sure to test real thouroughly because a 'bad' driver of these types can cause the weirdest issues.

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Thank you both Msgreenf& Cyknight for reply,

My question was intended to ask about serial port"RS232".

Can I use any Brand's driver to connect through RS232, with the same brand TV?

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