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WTB Dimmer Color Change Kit


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I have a lead on some older dimmers that are almond. I need the white color change kits. I want to make sure I can get the color kits before I buy the dimmers.



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I need some white color changing kits for the c4-ka auxiliary keypads if anyone has some of those they want to sell.

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Hi All,
Im looking for 10 white gen1 dimmer kits, 2 - two button and 1-three button kits. Please PM me with the price.


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Sorry, @alf1096 I missed your reply to my original question. Control4 doesn’t sell the buttons for gen1 lighting any more, so you’re going to be stuck finding new-old stock, or buying used. For anyone looking for gen 1 buttons, your best bet might be buying used switches from ebay, swapping the buttons, and re-selling them. You will probably manage to change your buttons for not much money.  

@kpot96 the kit for your auxiliary keypads has an MSRP of $8. Shipping costs more than that. Your best bet is going to be finding a nearby authorized dealer and asking them to add it in to their next order. 

I have 5-6 dead gen1 dimmers that are white- if you need JUST the toggle and the trim I can sell them to you- PM me.


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