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Pakedge WR-1 as access point



Right now the basement has mediocre wireless coverage. There's a single Cat6 jack which is currently being used for an XBox. Ideally I'd use something like the Unifi in-wall access point which would give me wireless coverage plus a couple of Ethernet jacks so the XBox could still have a wired connection. But I can't find anything similar for Pakedge. I know that many wireless routers can be set up for use as WAPs, but I don't see anything in the WR-1 documentation about this. 

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Thanks for the advice.  Yes, I don't want to mix & match, so I was examining the possibilities for my home with pakedge products.  In that case I will have one of the SX managed switches and 2 WK-2 for APs in other places in the house.  I don't want to use a 'normal' AP like the wk-2 for the basement b/c that will take up my only ethernet run to that room, so using the WR-1 which would (I believe) still allow me use of a couple of ethernet ports in addition to the WAP functionality would be ideal.

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