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Popcorn Hour C200


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I like the EVA9150. With my having a combination of DVD's in a DVD changer, and digital files on network storage the tight integration with C4 is too important to me. If I had to check two different interfaces to browse for a movie to watch I wouldn't like that.

IMO, this doesn't bring enough to the table over the EVA9150 to make it worth losing the integration and IP driver support.

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Unfortunately, not good.


One of the reasons it's not as well supported as other options is that when those of us at Control4 who wanted to build a driver for it (and I didn't do it myself) contacted the people at PH, they were disinterested, nay, nearly hostile to making changes to their control protocol to allow Control4 to make it into a well supported media player.

Because of that, the integration is sub-par, and nothing can change it short of PH redoing their firmware to give it a better protocol.


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