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Kwikset Signature 914 lock control.


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Hello community.

I have a question about using Kwikset Signature  914 in Control4 system via zigbee. 

To control that lock via Control4 system I use Kwikset Smartcode driver (version 31). For first time I add lock to C4 system witout any problems, and can control it (open or close) via navigators. But after 1 hour pause, during which I didn't use the lock, I try to control lock again, but in this time lock did't react on my commands. To solve that problem I removed lock from zigbee network and then add it again. After these steps executing lock works again.  What can be a reason of that problem ? Any ideas ?

Firmware version of lock: 03.08.16. 


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I have been working on getting some additonial locks nistalled - my first ones were ZWave and even though my Core-5 suports Z wave my house is too big and the locks are too far.


So - back to Zigbee - I ordered several f the Kwikset 914 look with Zigbee and they simply will not add - I notice with irritation that they are Zigbee 3.0  and I suspect that Control 4 does not support 3.?

Does anyone have any words of wisdom?

What options do I have other than returning the locks?

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Does anyone know the Zwave range of Core 5 receiver? Is there a way to troubleshoot? I have a Zwave card installed in a Kwikset lock a floor below Core 5 but it is not been detected in Composer Zwave module? Is there a way to extend Wave range such as upgrading antenna for example? Or adding a "range extender"?

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I have tried to use the ZWAVE and ZIGBEE Kwisket locks and have found the follwoing to be true - if you don't purchase them from Conrol 4 they will not ttach to your network. PRIOD.


I have spent a large amount of ie and effort and the long and short of it is that you have to have a ZIGBEE card (or ZWave)  FROM Control 4 or they simply will not work.


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Bill, I know this to be the case for the Zigbee one. But does not make sense for Zwave as no Control4 Zwave lock. And I remember seeing on the forum folks having success with the Zwave lock… assuming you have a Core controller with native Zwave activated. 
Am I missing something here?

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