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I dont know why but i lost all my music area.  

- All my tv work , i can change video and sound vs all my tv.

- But i cant play the tv audio in my music only room (in the past i can)

- If i click on a music room. Listent - Siriusxm - Channel , they try to load the Channel and after 5 secs its stop. I can reclick on the channel but same thing.

- And i cant see those rooms with only music. in the ''audio select'' space to add room when you listent something.


EA5 2021

triad 24x24 audio matrix



Thanks for your Help.


sounds like an issue with the connections or possibly the app. you can uninstall and reinstall to rule that out pretty quickly. Beyond that this is something a dealer would need to trouble shoot. if your original dealer cannot help Send me a message i can take a look pretty quickly in most cases.



Hi Matt ,

When you say the app you talk about seriusxm app ? because its not only that one. its all the music app are not ok.  Do you want to DM me to talk about what you verify and how mutch it cost ?




Hi, i found this error. How i can fix that ?




-->  12/24/24 15:08:31.944
ReceivedFromProxy: 5001
SEQ = 136
NAVID = e8ab5a057a9831b7-9b1fa61d-4085-9e3f1959537299c428d1d818b5bc
playOption = RADIO
itemType = station
parentId = catalog/playlists/
id = B0DR26X8R3/
screenId = ListScreen
isPlayable = true
Attempted to Log Play Event on unknown queue:    user    0    NEW_TRACKS_ADDED    table: 0xaa10bd38
-->  12/24/24 15:08:32.799
ReceivedFromProxy: 5001
ROOM_ID = 80
STATION_URL = https://d2qhcol036tlr5.cloudfront.net/api/manifest.m3u8?dmid=212906288&m=m&c=cf&bl=256k&s=true&e=1735072200000&v=V2&r=e08056fc-0592-40c1-966c-4eedfa0f0034&region=NA&Expires=1735072200&Signature=dVt4eny8sgo3S4pviPnFDrE3IoxoIwm2BsE7ZUipPgLMfKSo22X3qFH6W-9HHRJN2YouSz8VQ0UJJiN56udAad6nEERP5H4hkAlwyxK0NFYOcQspLDA5UlgImJfKi8hmB4av4-o2CALV9O0K4YfBAYAzti9ym5s1JBUW1dBgWEFTDw6SYpLniJ8XMWFILbCCPQIzlt0ZAbQMWJXLIa7hyjQcymP98W08zpvaDqCw1E07A2kEzJQ7V-UH7cD-chnaR4I6NNOQD40RUdns3B0kQtkdxiULtmIWv3FaH3m64EDBnPwbTYOq3wcvcCsfNhxhMLE-Bu4r76tOy9bYs~nAwg__&Key-Pair-Id=K2P3VGSQD60INC

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