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Equipment Closet Fan


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I have a fan in my equipment closet, it's hooked up to a Control4 switch. If the fan isn't running, the closet door is closed and the equipment is on, then it gets noticeably warm in there. Two things tend to happen, either I turn the fan on when I start up equipment and then forget to turn it off when I'm done. Or 2, I forget to turn it on, go to the closet to change a DVD or something and get a blast of warm air to the face.

So I wanted to integrate it into control4, but I'm having trouble getting it to work on my on. I could just email my programmer and get him to help me, and I'm sure he would, but I thought I would try this first.

I'd say I am a basic to medium level programmer inside of HE. I understand the basics well enough. What I attempted to do was tie the fan to my Denon receiver, since it's on with everything in the closet. I set up a programming step for when the receiver receives an on command to turn the fan on and when it receives an off command, to turn the fan off. So then I go to test it, go to watch something, on comes the receiver, but no fan.

Any idea what the problem might be?

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I would buy a card access relay (which has a built in thermistor) and have it turn the fan on and off based on the temperature.

That's just me though.

It may be that the fan isn't turning on because you don't have two way communication with your receiver to tell C4 that the receiver is on.

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I thought about doing that with the Card Access relay, I have one lying around, and I was going to use it on the closet anyway to monitor when the door was opened and closed for some lighting in the closet. Maybe I should just do that.

I don't have a 2 way driver to the receiver, though I should probably do that too. Just get a serial cable from the HC300 to the receiver. But I didn't think I needed it. I thought the way I had it setup in ComposerHE was to turn the fan on when the receiver was sent an ON command and turn the fan off when the receiver was sent an OFF command.

Maybe I'll just do the thermistor thing. It just sounds cooler. BTW, do you use an external thermistor or the internet one works just fine?

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I just have mine set so anytime the receiver is on I turn on the fan, works fine for me that way

That's what I wanted to do and just couldn't get it to work. Maybe I'm just doing something stupid. I'm going to break down and ask my programmer. So much for DIY. :>

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