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Sonos and Extra Vegetables - help with Pandora setup


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So I just had this setup and it was my dealers first experience with Sonos and EV though he is awesome with C4. When I am trying to list my pandora stations, I select Pandora, then hit "update Pandora station list" and then it just sits there. I can control the music from the Sonos desktop software and select a station. Then I can move forward from within that station on my C4 touchscreens, but I can not view or change stations. Any ideas here? I can view and change my radio stations.

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Did they enter your pandora username and password in the driver? If you have composer HE, I think you can access it. Under monitoring go to the top left and find your sonos driver. Then click on the properties tab at the top right. You should now see all kinds of fields with stuff such as activation code/Mac address. Scroll down and look for the pandora info. It needs to match the user/pass you used on the actual sonos software.

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Did they enter your pandora username and password in the driver? If you have composer HE, I think you can access it. Under monitoring go to the top left and find your sonos driver. Then click on the properties tab at the top right. You should now see all kinds of fields with stuff such as activation code/Mac address. Scroll down and look for the pandora info. It needs to match the user/pass you used on the actual sonos software.

That fixed the problem. The password was entered incorrectly.


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