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videostorm last won the day on June 22 2024

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  1. HDMI itself is grounded (ground is carried via the cable). It definitely can (and does) cause ground loops. You don't see them in video anymore because the digital transmission usually has enough noise margin to negate it. It does limit effective cable length when it is bad. In your case, it could cause noise on your baseband analog audio. However, it is probably more likely that the streaming box has noise on the ground (unrelated to an inductive loop). Better to get a HDMI audio extractor with optical output => optical to analog DAC -> C4 amp. That will isolate you and either fix it or rule it out as the source.
  2. USB defines multiple codes for power / sleep / suspend etc. Android in turn chooses how to interpret these, and different platforms sometimes do it differently. In practice, the Sleep 0xc 0x0034 which translates to QHIDCODE2000052 is the one that works the best. The others aren't wrong, they just may not do what is expected.
  3. Sleep is 0xc 0x0034 which translates to 2000052 in QHIDCODE (conversion detail in the protocol manual, but mainly just hex to dec conversion) Technically it is Android KEYCODE_POWER in the table. The Android key code column lists how each HID key is used (or ignored) by Android.
  4. Hi Eric, The QHIDCODEs are built into our C4 driver (to respond to navigator commands etc). Are you looking for a specific code that isn't available via navigator? Our protocol for the QHIDCODE mapping is at: https://www.video-storm.com/manuals/IrUSB_protocol.pdf The Android reference for the base HID codes is: https://source.android.com/docs/core/interaction/input/keyboard-devices#hid-keyboard-and-keypad-page-0x07
  5. This is correct. The announcement feature ramps down the currently selected audio (to zero), then switches to the network audio to play the announcement (wav file), then switches back to original audio and ramps it back to original volume.
  6. All the 3rd party encoders we have tested are using older versions of embedded Linux which are not updated for security. No malware or anything like that, but they definitely shouldn't be considered a secure device that you can expose through a firewall. No reason to do that anyway, so no real issue in most applications. Basically they are not tamperproof to an attacker who is already on your network. However, lots of other smart home gear is the same in that regard.
  7. The KunuoMagic 4K is the best encoder currently available. When running 4K60 h265 at 25Mbps the PQ is very good. Shineco also has a 4K60 2.2 one but it still has a couple bugs. Can't recommend it yet. PQ and price are pretty much the same anyway. Setup is faster on Shineco, but that is a one time thing. If you have a huge TV or like to sit / stand very close the difference is meaningful. Otherwise, the 1080p ones are inexpensive and a great choice. The 4Kp30 1.4 encoders are only good if you know your source will output 4K with hdcp 1.4. Most won't.
  8. For tiled sources you only need a 1080p encoder. 4K streams are only used for full screen display. Subpictures use the lower resolution streams from the encoders to optimize performance. For example, video on a 4K display in portrait mode is natively 1920x1080 horizontally, with up to 4 of them stacked (some cropping/scaling in the case of 4).
  9. TV audio (tv speakers) can be selected from any of the tiled sources (via gui or C4). If you are using CMXA2 centralized audio, you would likely just switch that way instead. You can use Lumi TV as a NetPlay decoder (instead of VRX042). VRX042 is a better choice for large installations (faster setup, managed via NVMM, etc). For just one or a few TVs, Lumi TV is a good way to save some $$.
  10. If you decide you don't need the live HDMI video, a SplashTiles system would be: Portrait capable decoder such as our Lumi TV (lumi-tv.com) SplashTiles subscription (splash-tiles.com) Free C4 drivers are available for both NetPlay and SplashTiles via our web site (video-storm.com)
  11. Assuming you are looking for live (hdmi) video, then NetPlay is the way to go. If only video files & cameras, then Splashtiles will work. NetPlay can also display SplashTiles content so it is basically a superset. For NetPlay, you will need to use a decoder capable of portrait mode. Our VRX042 supports portrait mode properly. A minimum system would be: NetPlay Manager 1 VRX042 1 or more encoders depending on how many HDMI sources you need In portrait mode, you can show 3 video sources stacked. You can even mix with other content if you like. Our layouts are fully configurable.
  12. Our Lumi TV devices will work for this. Professional Android based digital signage players. Can be controlled in C4 using our free driver. Direct command to play any file loaded on internal flash or USB stick (or URL etc). https://lumi-tv.com
  13. Just released: IRUSB version 2 Our popular IRUSB devices have been upgraded! We have replaced the IR RX sensor (which no one was using) with a PIR (passive infrared) motion sensor. This new sensor is fully integrated in our C4 driver for configuration, motion state, and motion triggers. How can you use this? Hands free switch: Configure the sensor for very short range (~2ft) and set to toggle mode. Wave your hand near the sensor to "toggle" the switch -> which can be tied to anything in C4 Short range live object motion sensing: Configure the sensor for max range (~10ft). Acts like a standard thermal motion sensor. IRUSBv2 motion sensing can also be used WITHOUT an attached Android device. It can issue USB HID and / or IR TX commands (from flash memory) directly in response to motion events. This allows you to plug it into the USB port of generally any device and use the motion trigger to turn it ON / OFF (or other keyboard/hid commands). For IR control, just use a USB power supply for IRUSB and position IRUSB over the IR eye of the device to control. The motion event can fire saved IR codes to turn the device ON/OFF. Of course, the new version still provides FAST IP control of Android devices. Nothing has changed here, the same drivers work. IP GUI control + IR TX extension + PIR motion sensing IRUSBv2 is the same price as the prior version. All IRUSB orders will ship the new version starting now!
  14. videostorm

    24" FireTV

    For FireTVs it is actually turn on / go to standby (screen blank). IRUSB will work. We also have Splashtiles (splash-tiles.com) which is probably the best option for you. It is digital signage software, so it can handle your posters. It also has a (free) C4 driver which can perform the turn on / go to standby function for you. Plus it is either FREE or very low cost depending on your use case. You can download the app on the Amazon store (https://www.amazon.com/SplashTiles-customized-digital-signage-including/dp/B07N4HNBZG/) and setup your account at https://splash-tiles.com Our C4 driver is at https://video-storm.com/Downloads/driver support.htm (NetPlay cloud driver)
  15. Ok, in this case setup the Kunuomagic for h265 at 38Mbps (main stream). It will look very good.
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