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Everything posted by walterlara

  1. Here is a PHP file I created to help in converting a tcp request to run ssh command on a computer or other device. <?php $connection = ssh2_connect($_GET['ip'], 22); ssh2_auth_password($connection, $_GET['user'], $_GET['pass']); $stream = ssh2_exec($connection, $_GET['cmd']); ?> I have it running on my Synology's Web Station app with SSH2 PHP extension enabled. Type the URL of the hosted file , for this example I'll use cmd.php as the filename and include example parameters for IP, USER, PASS, and the CMD. Ex: hello this is a test Open a web browser (like chrome) and paste this in so you can test if the command worked properly and if it did. copy this encoded url from chrome's address bar and put this in the TCP driver in control4.
  2. Hey Alan, love your plex full driver, incorporated it on multiple clients already.  Any plans on allowing favorites to work since it's such a big feature in OS3?  

    Anyways won't take any more of your time thanks. 

  3. Hey Alan, fan of your drivers.  Wasn't sure which would be the best place to ask, was wondering if there are any plans to update the C4 IFTTT Driver to grab the pushover URL variable to make extracting urls much easier in programming.  There is an OS3 image push notification driver that someone created on this forum that would work great with this. 

  4. Any possibility to make the url a variable that can be updated via programming? This driver + IFTTT could potentially grab image urls from other online services. Driver is amazing btw and thanks for it.
  5. Forgot to mention that you can use this same method with variables. I was able to setup computer notifications for the office this way (even verbal). It's pretty responsive.
  6. I was able to get my mac controlled by creating a PHP file that would grab variables from an HTTP POST request (using chowmain's driver). Hosting it with my synology and enabling ssh2 php module. You can even use it to reboot servers or anything else that you could otherwise do via terminal. HTTP URL example (will open google.com in default browser): <your webhost>/cmd.php?ip=<ip of controlled computer>&user=<remotely controlled computer's username>&pass=<password>&cmd=open%20google.com The commands need to get encoded, which can easily be done by typing the entire command normally into chrome and having it encode it for you, then copy and paste that into the chowmain tcp event driver. PHP file (cmd.php): <?php $connection = ssh2_connect($_GET['ip'], 22); ssh2_auth_password($connection, $_GET['user'], $_GET['pass']); $stream = ssh2_exec($connection, $_GET['cmd']); ?>
  7. @alanchow Not sure if this was asked before, but would it be possible to make this driver cache requests, and store wav files with a filename that matches the words that will be spoken. If wav exists play from local location only. If it does not, retrieve it from the net then store this newly added wav? Feel that would get us faster announcements and allow for it to work even offline. Just a thought, appreciate all your drivers. Thanks.
  8. Hey Alan, got in contact with them but they were not able to help me. It seems kodi is unable to import videos if no cover art exists online. Would it be possible in a future update to have a generic cover art for movies that are not found so they are at least able to import? Or a manual way to import them via the media tab new media button? Thank you for all your help and sorry for my persistence. Some use cases for this. Client's Family Videos, provide them an easy way in control4 to view them Business' wanting to show a client a specific product video on the tv's, could even be triggered by sensors Control4 Dealer Demo, show specific, or custom control4 video showcasing the system
  9. I'm not referring to the thumbnails, I would just like the ability to select it, regardless of what thumbnail it has and have it play from the control4 interface. Notice how my overview video is missing? Do I have some data that doesn't jive with the driver, or control4's media importer? Thank for the input.
  10. Hello Alan, I've tried Kodi Lite and it works well, but I am having an issue. I am trying to import "Home Videos". I have them appearing on KODI in the Movie List but they don't import into the C4 Media List. I've tried with these two methods and no luck. http://kodi.wiki/view/Custom_video_entries Is this an unsupported feature or am I doing something wrong?
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