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knowitall last won the day on May 30 2020

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  1. You have to for the luma app to work. I’ll be calling later I suppose.
  2. Only the xfi, it is configured properly and luma app works. Not sure why ports and other things would need to be open for C4 to hit thr DVR on the local network. Unless the xfi has something blocking the communication I don’t have access to. I wish I could get rid of it but his home security won’t work without it.
  3. who makes the NVR? Luma DVR just installed and can't get it to pull the cameras *(HC800 // 2.10.6)
  4. Swapped out an old Wirepath DVR with above, and I cannot for the life of me get the app to work. Customer recently got the XFi gateway from Comcast and boy what a POS that thing is (I know, I know, don't use ISP routers, but they have xfinity home security which apparently needs that to work) HC800 2.10.6 Error is same for snapshot and stream Testing Snapshot ... Verifying address:port ... Address:port verified. Verifying URL ... URL not verified: 400 Test failed. I've changed IP, ports, user and same error over and over. Any help greatly appreciated.
  5. It’s not C4’s fault ARC has been a failure since inception. Get a $39 Roku stick and plug it into the AVR, problem solved. why are people still trying to use ARC with C4 lol?! Welcome to the rodeo, hope you bought a program
  6. Be nice if they started to pay a dividend to those investors (me)
  7. No longer needed.
  8. Have you read the supplied instructions? The drivers you should add are the drivers for the physical hardware you have then bind it to the motorization garage door. If you installed a C4 dimmer what would you do? Find/add the driver and add it.
  9. Worst product C4 ever made. But they do work if you try.
  10. Yes you’re going to have to wait. Hopefully a competent tech arrives and should be able to revive it with a stick or another reset or two. If not you’ll likely be buying a new controller. HC250 I presume? My Rec would be to buy a used one on here if eBay ( make sure it’s a BL-1) and have it handy when they come out.
  11. The HC-250’s are ABSOLUTELY worth something, even more so if BL-1 model (you’ll have to check sticker on bottom).
  12. Thanks, care to post a link to one you’ve purchased recently? I’ve been thru amazon and mono price and haven’t got a winner
  13. Anyone have any luck with non C4 branded cables that work?
  14. Directly in the elements? Sunbrite. Other than that cheapest you can buy size you want. Been the rule for like 10 years
  15. Spec’d 10x10 cus you know - growth. And need downmixing
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