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  1. Fair enough. And yes I have already been using a PI for node exactly as you describe, so will stick with that.
  2. OK was just curious. I have no need to. Can you explain why I would be asked to not use it?
  3. I beleive that a Control 4 processor has Node.JS built in. Is it possible to utilise it from a driver?
  4. Ive altered the code to have a timeout of 0 so it dosent block and set up a timer (C4:AddTimer) to wait for second before calling receive and that works.
  5. The code below works, but this is not the proper way of doing things, we dont want to be using blocking sockets on a Control4! local socket = require("socket") local udp = assert(socket.udp()) local udp_data function test2() myip = C4:GetMyNetworkAddress() udp:close() udp = assert(socket.udp()) udp:settimeout(1) assert(udp:setsockname("*",0)) assert(udp:setpeername(myip,2345)) message = "this is a test" assert(udp:send(message)) udp_data = udp:receive() if (udp_data ~= nil) then MessagePrint(udp_data) else MessagePrint("UDP request failed") end udp:close() end
  6. I am seding out a UDP request to device and its answer is 1407 bytes long, ive tested in Node.JS and it works. When doing it from Control4 I only get 1024 bytes, ReceivedFromNetwork is only called once, so I cannot get the remainder of the data. Is there a way around this? function test() myip = C4:GetMyNetworkAddress() C4:NetDisconnect(6998, 2345) C4:CreateNetworkConnection (6998, myip) C4:NetConnect (6998, 2345, 'UDP') end function OnConnectionStatusChanged(idBinding, nPort, strStatus) if (idBinding == 6998) then if (strStatus == "ONLINE") then test_message = "this is a test" C4:SendToNetwork(6998, 2345, test_message) end end end function ReceivedFromNetwork(idBinding, nPort, StrData) MessagePrint("ReceivedFromNetwork idBinding=" .. idBinding .. " port=" .. nPort) len=string.len(StrData) MessagePrint("Length=" .. len) end
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