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Everything posted by benm

  1. Hi Pavel -- happy to test the driver. Cheers, Ben
  2. Hi, Has anyone found an IP driver for the new Freesat 4K set top box? I believe it’s manufactured by Arris for Freesat in the UK. Cheers!
  3. Of course it's not but Apple is a fast-growing competitor in the automation space, and if you want to play with them, you play on their terms. It strikes me as odd that C4 don't invest more time and effort into developing their integration.
  4. Which I can get on board with, however C4 have far more to lose than Apple do, so it's a surprise that they're not continually developing and refining against the HomeKit spec to maintain stability. Whether they like it or not, people are routinely going to want to augment their C4 homes with Apple equipment. Furthermore, the common solution seems to be to powercycle the C4 controller, which means that the ability to maintain operability (in most circumstances) is very much in the hands of C4 -- something which they don't seem particularly bothered about, which seems short-sighted at best.
  5. This has just happened again (second time since original post in Oct '21). If you hit refresh on the Apple Bridge driver actions, I get "Control4 Remote Disconnected" on the Apple TV home screen, immediately followed by Connected. The actual Apple TV driver says "Remote Connected", and if you toggle the Apple TV Selector in the driver properties, from none and back to the device again, it displays Remote Activated again. It's clearly connected. The Lua log states the usual: ExecuteCommand(SEND_KEY): ID: 1017, BUTTON: down, TIMESTAMP: -1002767806, STATE: down --------> [6101/9200]: {"method":"button","args":{"button":"down", "id":1,"state":"down","duration":0,"timestamp":-1002767806}} <-------- [6101/9200]: {"error":{"code":7,"message":"Invalid timestamp value","type":"Invalid argument"},"method":"button"} Button Error: message: Invalid timestamp value, type: Invalid argument, code: 7 Not Resetting bridge, Only reset once every 5 seconds... ExecuteCommand(SEND_KEY): ID: 1017, BUTTON: down, TIMESTAMP: -1002767706, STATE: up --------> [6101/9200]: {"method":"button","args":{"button":"down", "id":1,"state":"up","duration":0,"timestamp":-1002767706}} <-------- [6101/9200]: {"error":{"code":7,"message":"Invalid timestamp value","type":"Invalid argument"},"method":"button"} Button Error: message: Invalid timestamp value, type: Invalid argument, code: 7 Not Resetting bridge, Only reset once every 5 seconds... Soft reboot hasn't helped. Deleting and re-adding C4 to Apple Home hasn't helped. Hard power cycle has fixed the issue. Utter garbage. Googling the error message brings up Reddit and c4forums posts with similar problems and the solution is always to power cycle. I really don't understand why C4 don't put some more effort into resolving this; it can't be update related because I haven't done any, its just a shit integration which is causing countless people problems </rant>
  6. Hi @South Africa C4 user, That's really helpful -- thanks. I can do a director reboot via the Driver Central driver. I'm assuming that's the soft reboot which you refer to and it just restarts the director service? ... and a controller reboot would be akin to pulling the power which restarts everything? Cheers!
  7. The Roku comment was tongue in cheek but I have felt exasperated at times!! I've always resisted hard rebooting the director and it's been a last resort, but perhaps life would be easier if I tried it first! Fully agreed that it would be better to understand the root cause so that a reboot isn't needed after an update. It seems like a very common requirement/solution and it isn't mentioned in the driver notes iirc. Anyway, thanks for everyone's help
  8. Sure, and my post was asking for help, which I got; it wasn't a criticism of the driver .... even if you do have to periodically reboot the director
  9. Anecdotally people do seem to have problems (this forum, reddit, friends with C4) but I do think I've been particularly unlucky of late! I'd probably also say you've been particularly lucky though! Typically it always happens when I'm about to go out and the babysitter wants to watch Netflix or something Maybe it's time to get a Roku as a backup!! Everything is on Ethernet and the rest of the setup is "normal"
  10. Thanks -- this has fixed it I'm always reluctant to hard reboot the controller as it can't possibly be healthy but seems like it's needed sometimes! Cheers!
  11. We actually had daylight saving today but the problem started yesterday so can't be related! The EA-5 is definitely on the right time but it isn't immediately obvious how you check the time on the AppleTV! Regardless, I've toggled 'set automatically' off and on again so I have to assume it's correctly got the time from an NPT server. The location is correct. Thanks
  12. Hi, I'm having some issues with our AppleTV and wondered if anyone has any advice. We've had the usual problems between updates etc. and random disconnections but it can usually be resolved by deleting the bridge in HomeKit and starting again, or generally fiddling. Alas, not this time.... I've deleted the EA5 bridge in Homekit and re-added it via the iOS app. This is the debug output on the Apple Bridge driver: UIRequest(GetStatus): UIRequest(GetBridgeId): UIRequest(GetStatus): UIRequest(GetBridgeId): UIRequest(GetStatus): UIRequest(GetBridgeId): <-------- [6001/9200]: {"async":"persist","data":{"persist":"eyJkYyI6IjFkNzJjMDAwIiwiaWQiOiI4Rjo4RDozODpCMDo3Mzo2RSIsImt2Ijp7IjkwOjAwIjoiUSsvYVF4MjgiLCI5MDoxMCI6IkF3QUFBQUlBQUFBQkFBQUEiLCI5MDoyMCI6IkFnQUFBQT09IiwiOTA6MjEiOiJJQmNGVXN2ejRGelF4OGhCNk04SVFmUExNcWpPNnhraUI5WkNDTVhUU0tBPSIsImEwOjAwIjoiTVVaRVFVWXpNRFF0UkRoRk1DMDBSRFEwTFVGR1JFUXRNVUk0TWtWRlF6VTFSalU0SlBRY3BYekVJZ2FrR1Y0UkpJUFByOXlCZUJRcjdLcWk4OTdqMS9Gc25uRUpBUT09In0sInJjIjp7IjEiOnsiMDA6MDAiOiJBQUE9IiwiMDA6MDEiOiJBQUFBQUE9PSJ9fSwic2MiOiIxODgtOTQtMTkzIn0="}} <-------- [6001/9200]: {"async":"status","data":{"paired":true}} <-------- [6101/9200]: {"async":"status","data":{"active":0,"available":[{"identifier":54526256,"name":"Rack"}],"bridged":true}} ---DEV--> C4:SendToDevice(1017, "NOT_ACTIVE", {}) Available[54526256]: Rack ---DEV--> C4:SendToDevice(1017, "AVAILABLE_CHANGED", {54526256: Rack}) ExecuteCommand(ACTIVATE): ID: 1017, REMOTE: Rack [54526256] --------> [6101/9200]: {"args":{"identifier":54526256},"method":"activate"} <-------- [6101/9200]: {"method":"activate"} <-------- [6001/9200]: {"async":"persist","data":{"persist":"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"}} <-------- [6101/9200]: {"async":"status","data":{"active":0,"available":[],"bridged":true}} ---DEV--> C4:SendToDevice(1017, "NOT_ACTIVE", {}) ---DEV--> C4:SendToDevice(1017, "AVAILABLE_CHANGED", {}) ---DEV--> C4:SendToDevice(1017, "NOT_ACTIVE", {}) Available[54526256]: Rack ---DEV--> C4:SendToDevice(1017, "AVAILABLE_CHANGED", {54526256: Rack}) ExecuteCommand(ACTIVATE): ID: 1017, REMOTE: Rack [54526256] --------> [6101/9200]: {"args":{"identifier":54526256},"method":"activate"} <-------- [6001/9200]: {"async":"persist","data":{"persist":"eyJkYyI6IjFkNzJjMDAwIiwiaWQiOiI4Rjo4RDozODpCMDo3Mzo2RSIsImt2Ijp7IjkwOjAwIjoiUSsvYVF4MjgiLCI5MDoxMCI6IkF3QUFBQUlBQUFBQkFBQUEiLCI5MDoyMCI6IkFnQUFBQT09IiwiOTA6MjEiOiJJQmNGVXN2ejRGelF4OGhCNk04SVFmUExNcWpPNnhraUI5WkNDTVhUU0tBPSIsImEwOjAwIjoiTVVaRVFVWXpNRFF0UkRoRk1DMDBSRFEwTFVGR1JFUXRNVUk0TWtWRlF6VTFSalU0SlBRY3BYekVJZ2FrR1Y0UkpJUFByOXlCZUJRcjdLcWk4OTdqMS9Gc25uRUpBUT09In0sInJjIjp7IjEiOnsiMDA6MDAiOiJBQUE9IiwiMDA6MDEiOiJBQUFBQUE9PSJ9fSwic2MiOiIxODgtOTQtMTkzIn0="}} <-------- [6101/9200]: {"method":"activate"} ---DEV--> C4:SendToDevice(1017, "ACTIVE", {ID: 54526256}) Available[54526256]: Rack <-------- [6001/9200]: {"async":"persist","data":{"persist":"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"}} UIRequest(SetBridgeId): BridgeId: 3481C5F8-4F86-5337-B956-97B0BE959A80 When issuing any button presses via the C4 remote, this is the debug output on the AppleTV driver: 10/31/21 17:36:18 : ReceivedFromProxy[DOWN]: ROOM_ID: 217, BEGIN: 2243134520, DEVICE_ID: 814 10/31/21 17:36:18 : Activate (function unused) 10/31/21 17:36:18 : SendButtonPress: down - down - 0 - -2051832776 10/31/21 17:36:18 : C4:SendToDevice(1019, "SEND_KEY", {STATE: down, ID: 1017, TIMESTAMP: -2051832776, BUTTON: down}) 10/31/21 17:36:18 : ReceivedFromProxy[END_DOWN]: DURATION: 100, ROOM_ID: 217, DEVICE_ID: 814 10/31/21 17:36:18 : Activate (function unused) 10/31/21 17:36:18 : SendButtonPress: down - up - 0 - -2051832676 10/31/21 17:36:18 : C4:SendToDevice(1019, "SEND_KEY", {STATE: up, ID: 1017, TIMESTAMP: -2051832676, BUTTON: down}) ... and this is the output on the Apple Bridge debug: ExecuteCommand(SEND_KEY): ID: 1017, BUTTON: down, TIMESTAMP: -2051808752, STATE: down --------> [6101/9200]: {"method":"button","args":{"button":"down", "id":1,"state":"down","duration":0,"timestamp":-2051808752}} ExecuteCommand(SEND_KEY): ID: 1017, BUTTON: down, TIMESTAMP: -2051808652, STATE: up --------> [6101/9200]: {"method":"button","args":{"button":"down", "id":1,"state":"up","duration":0,"timestamp":-2051808652}} <-------- [6101/9200]: {"error":{"code":7,"message":"Invalid timestamp value","type":"Invalid argument"},"method":"button"} Button Error: message: Invalid timestamp value, type: Invalid argument, code: 7 Not Resetting bridge, Only reset once every 5 seconds... Button Error: message: Invalid timestamp value, type: Invalid argument, code: 7 Not Resetting bridge, Only reset once every 5 seconds... If I toggle the AppleTV in the driver properties from the AppleTV I've added, to none and then back again, it displays "Control 4 Remote Disconnected/Connected" on the top right of the home screen. It also shows Remote Activated in the properties. I'm running driver version 32 and tvOS 15.1 I've run out of things to try Cheers, Ben
  13. That's really helpful, thank you! Out of interest, why do you hold the relay rather than pulse it? Do you then release it after an arbitary maximum travel time you've calculated, or do you leave it closed until you want to travel in the other direction? Is this how you're creating the fake feedback? Cheers, Ben
  14. Hello, Is anyone able to shed any light on integrating a Velux KLF 200 into Control4 please? Velux appear to have a comprehensive API which is open and well documented, however I have heard (anecdotally) that it can be quite buggy so I wonder whether this is why I can't find any drivers? Alternatively, the unit can be triggered using its local dry contacts which I'm sure I could get working with the KNX Blinds Driver (the relays would be on the KNX bus) and it would be fine but obviously I wouldn't get any feedback or absolute positioning and it seems a bit convoluted. Any thoughts welcomed! Cheers, Ben
  15. I've moved my armed and disarmed programming to the actual panel events rather than the area events. Seems to have eliminated the duplicate notifications and is OK for me as we don't use different areas.
  16. Hello -- wondering if anyone has seen this before.. I've setup push notifications for when the Texecom alarm is set/unset (for use when vacation mode is on so we know when the cleaner has been in etc.) but the system seems to trigger events three times when arming the alarm: When x-> Area 1 has been Armed When x -> Area 1 has been Disarmed When x -> Area 1 has been Armed Therefore I get three notifications when (armed, disarmed, armed) when arming the alarm. Interestingly enough, the first armed event is triggered when the arming procedure starts. The subsequent disarmed and armed happen almost simultaneously once the final exit procedure is completed and the system is actually armed. Anyone got any ideas? Cheers, Ben
  17. OK, that's great, I'll ask my dealer to install that driver, thanks! Despite it not working though, does the script seem right though? USE_DEFAULT_VOLUMES=TRUE then select the channel?
  18. Hello! I'm currently using a surround sound amp and have set default audio and video volumes which seem to work fine, however when changing between audio and video, the default volume doesn't work (presumably because the room is already powered on). I use Custom Buttons to turn on TuneIn radio stations and if the TV is already on, the volume is excessively high on the radio station. Ideally I'd like to be able to set the room back to the default volume before the TuneIn station starts. Currently I have: When custom button 'BBC Radio 1" on screen 'Radio' in Kitchen/Diner is pressed -> Turn off the Kitchen / Diner -> Sony BRAVIA -> Kitchen / Diner -> USE_DEFAULT_VOLUMES = TRUE -> Select the channel "s24939 = BBC Radio 1" in Kitchen / Diner It deems to totally ignore the default volumes part and keeps the amp at 60 (or whatever the TV has been on). Any suggestions? Cheers, Ben
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