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  1. I developed the Home Connect driver to cover nearly all device proxies exposed by Control4 and to simplify setup and reliability. The Homebridge/HOOBS configuration is fully automated, plugin install as well, and you only need one driver instance in Control4 to configure everything. I offer a 30d trial through DriverCentral if you want to give it a try. You can email driver-support@finitelabs.com if you have any questions or feature requests.
  2. The activity notifications will not work as I do not yet have support for HomeKit Secure Video recording which I believe backs these notifications. Since you have a Chime doorbell you can optionally add the motion sensor it exposes to Apple Home and turn on activity notifications for it instead of the camera. Regarding the 3 separate buttons, I actually just pushed an update to fix that yesterday and it should just show one button per Chime doorbell now. The buttons work just as @ChzBurger explained, but its a bit redundant to add them if you are adding the doorbell as a camera since you can use the camera accessory do trigger doorbell automations in Apple Home instead of the button accessory.
  3. This definitely works regardless of child drivers or child bridges. As long as you have your rooms setup correctly in Apple Home and a HomePod in each room it will work perfectly (I use this exact feature fwiw). Yes this is exactly how the virtual buttons work. You can create virtual switches that show up in Apple Home and are programmable in Control4. I have attached the docs too which may help clarify the feature set. Home Connect Documentation.pdf
  4. My main motivation for writing the Home Connect driver was to simplify setup and configuration as well as expand support for more devices and better handling of device capabilities. If you try it out and have any feedback let me know and I will do my best to address it.
  5. After trying to use some of the other solutions out there, but frequently hitting state sync and device compatibility issues, I wrote my own driver and listed it on DriverCentral. Check it out and let me know if you have any questions or hit any issues: https://drivercentral.io/platforms/control4-drivers/utility/home-connect-for-apple-home/ Amr also posted a nice overview about it as well:
  6. I know this is an old thread, but after trying to use some of the other solutions out there and hitting some of the same issues as @homeauto01, I wrote my own driver and listed it on DriverCentral. Check it out and let me know if you have any questions or hit any issues: https://drivercentral.io/platforms/control4-drivers/utility/home-connect-for-apple-home/ @Amr also posted a nice overview about it as well:
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