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  1. I'm surprised that it's not core functionality
  2. These possibilities sound good in principle but I'm wondering how I get a London, UK based "Smart Home Pro" over the line. I have been recommended by a separate IT friend to get a Synology NAS Drive as a replacement Media Server and then I need to connect this with Control 4 (maybe HDMI?) and route wireless keyboard commands and mouse movements and clicks with the Internet screen being displayed on the TV's when I select that input... I can't help but feel this should be core functionality in Control 4 but it sounds like it isn't...? By the way, the other Core functionality that my Opus system had (and bear in mind this is 13 years old so I would have thought a more up to date system would have this) is to be able to display the input screen from say Satellite TV on the Control 4 touchscreens e.g. in my bathroom I have a touch panel on the wall by the door and a TV in the corner opposite the bath. Sometimes I just want to turn on the touch panel whilst I'm brushing my teeth and see the Sky TV picture on the touch panel. From what the London "Smart Home Pro" has told me, Control4 does not support this. It appears that Control 4 touch panels just hold apps and merely display navigation keys... is that right?
  3. That sounds positive. Thanks for your feedback
  4. Hello, I am looking at replacing my existing Opus system (damaged in a house flood) with Control 4. Currently I have a PC (Sony Vaio Media Server) connected as one of my 6 inputs into my Opus system and I can use wireless keyboards and mouse from any room in my house and browse the internet with the content appearing on my TV screen. Can this also be done using Control4 and any tips you can provide on this as my dealer in London, UK isn't familiar with this and it's a key feature for me. Note: I have an equipment rack in my basement and I currently have USB booster cables from the Sony Vaio PC basement up to the 3rd floor of my house so the wireless keyboards and mouse can send commands directly to the PC. Can these commands be routed instead directly via the Control4 system to the PC so I can do away with these booster cables (which can clash on different floors e.g. a signal sent from a keyboard on the 3rd floor can be picked up by the 3rd floor and 2nd floor USB cable and the PC gets multiple commands and not great when typing a Search word in an Internet browser as you sometimes get 2 letters) Thanks
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