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Ability to display a Variable Value with announcements


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I wanted to see if my house, during the winter, cools down to below a certain degree -- and tell me how many times it has done this during the day. Essentially giving me a count on how many times the furnace has turned on.

Currently I have the system email me the value of that variable by using the Email Notification.

Would be great if I could use a Annoucement to have it display the variable value.

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  • 2 months later...

What I am trying to send is the "value" of the variable.

Now if I use the Email agent -- I can insert the Variable - where it sends the Value of that variable in the email message.

If I use the announcement for say like on a Touch screen where it pulls out a a new screen - I cannot have it show the value - as this is not allowed in this type of view, I guess.

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