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ISO : Relay controllers


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While I would agree OPTO can offer what OP needs, if someone is capable/willing to write that driver, I would question why nobody has bothered with a LabView driver.  OP, you got like two months so I would place a want ad for those IOEXTs and search ebay.

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The kmtronic 8 relay board is controllable via rs232  and very inexpensive and readily available on ebay.

There is a control4 driver by houselogix but I am not sure of the cost. I thought there use to be a free driver but I am not positive.

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^I guess that would work.  How does the relay brick connect?  At least with an IOX he can plug into a powerline Ethernet module outside.  I've got the KM driver somewhere on my system but the licence is not free.  If you really wanted to use the KM you could try to fool the 24hr. trial timer...

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't think I have a choice. I think I have to get the KMTRONIC. 
The KMTRONIC sounds like a real good option, but with 8 relays, that is 4 blinds. I need A LOT more. I am going to need quite a few KMTRONICS to the point where now I am going to need more RS232 outputs. .

I was also going to use it for a bunch of halloween stuff but that isn't as important as I was able to get a few controllers that should help me out for that one night. 

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