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Yale lock, unable to program off user code


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Hi All,


I have a new Yale real living lock. Everything operates fine besides triggering programming off user codes.

It simply does nothing when i ask for a light toggle based on a user code. See attached screenshot.

Not sure what im missing.

I did try to install the yale app from 4store but there is a timeout error when attempting to assign a username to a code...

So I take it I cant program by username until I get that sorted out.

In the properties of my yale real living I tried to enter the username and pin associated to user  1 but doesnt seem to help


Any advice would be greatly appreciated.




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The Yale Build number is 1.0.8 and firmware 33.

The Yale zigbee transmitter has a sticker that says 2.5.3 on it so I assume that would be good.

All other programming works fine. I can fire off event based on door lock/unlock...just the user code conditions dont seem to have any effect

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  • 4 weeks later...

Your programming is fine, it should work. I have had the same problem, the root cause being the Yale Lock Manager app installation. Eventually I ended up reinstalling it, and now it works perfectly. Your script will only work if the username is set up in the Yale Lock Manager app.

Here is what I would do:

1.) try to set up usernames in the Yale Lock Manager app from your remote controller on one of your TVs, or

2.) via the "Control4 for PC-Mac" program on your computer.


If both attempts fail, log into your Control4 account (my.control4.com) and download the latest version of the Yale Lock Manager app, and add usernames and codes.


These are my installed versions:

RF FW ver. 27

Lock FW ver. 33

Driver ver. 1.0.8

App ver. 1.0.7


I also programmed push notifications triggered by the username in a similar script that you posted, so I get notifications which user has unlocked the door with a time stamp. Another script sends a push notification in case the wrong code entry limit (I set it to two) is reached.

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