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Music Bridge Power Cable Size


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I have the C4 wireless music bridge and I need to buy a new power cable for it.

If I go generic, though, I need to know the size of plug the unit takes.

Does anyone know that?

Is it a 5.5mmX2.5mm?

I'm clueless.

Thanks for your help!



Anthony Lazzaro

Anthonylazzaro (at) gmail

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I don't actually have the cable at all. It's lost some where from packing. I've given up trying to find it.

So I need to buy a replacement. But I don't know the size of the plug. I know it's a 5V DC 1a, but I don't know the exact size of the plug.

Under 5.5mm helps. But I may just have to buy which ever and then look for a kit.


Anthony Lazzaro

Anthonylazzaro (at) gmail

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