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Zappiti Victim

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Posts posted by Zappiti Victim

  1. It is an interesting legal exercise to guess why they have done this.  For sure..... anything that rips DVD or BD is defeating copyright protection even though the purchaser has legally acquired the content and does not share it with others.  I believe the law on this matter is different between US, EU and UK.  However selling a fully-functional multi-media player that can play anything, that has a cloud-based naming/artwork service is quite another proposition, particularly when you withdraw the cloud service without notice removing 50%+ of the functionality.

    If the US studios go after R_volution again because (like Zappiti) the device 'facilitates' playback of potentially copyrighted content then R_volution is already doomed.  Fake it 'til you make it.... I wonder how many cloud-based $900 devices they can sell before they yet again declare the company dead and start up again with a different brand-name elsewhere.

    Looks like R_volution and any other any media player that relies on cloud-based facilities is to be avoided like the plague.

  2. If it looks like a rip-off and it smells like a rip-off......

    I own 2 Zappiti 4k media players the last of which I purchased only 2 years ago.  Reading between the lines Zappiti seem to have got themselves in legal hot-water because their NAS product was able to rip Bluray disks and the US studios were willing to throw unlimited legal resources at them to prevent that functionality.  That of course related only to the NAS product.  Their media players merely facilitated playback of (percieved) copyrighted material that someone had ripped elsewhere.  So what has changed with R_volution?  The ability to rip commercial disks to a purpose built NAS has been removed and the player is still a 'play anything' design only with later chip but other than that..... not much.  The look & feel of the R_volution product is VERY similar to Zappiti and more importantly is cloud-dependant exactly like it's predecessor.  You may notice that even one or two of their web-pages they have neglected to remove the page-tab 'Z' icon at the top.  OK so the lawyers were catching up with them..... Many of us paid good money for a top-of-the-range media player with cloud content-naming service that is about to be switched off.  If I go out and buy the R_volution product (EUR800 by the way!) what guarantee do I have that the cloud functionalty will not be switched off when the lawyers come sniffing at their door?  Zappiti now have form for this type of behavior so those who think they can leave bad business practice behind them are destined to fail.  I read a suggestion elsewhere that a replacement app/service naming was going to be offered to existing Zappiti users.... of course, at a cost.

    Once bitten.....

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