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  1. Today
  2. How does Josh AI work? That's a new one to me Still can't get Kitchen room rediscovered.... That's a pretty basic thing I would hope Alexa would recognize via Control4 but apparently that's too complicated haha
  3. Is there anyway to change volume or tone on the alarm monitor for when a door is opened or closed. It Is too loud and annoying.
  4. Yesterday
  5. I set up a stand alone smart plug to power it down and cycle it. I know you don’t want to power it down completely but I had it do it at 3am once a month.
  6. Mine is that because at a previous job (almost 20 years ago), the work VPN was segmented, and everyone needed their own range when logged in (back in 2000). I've been too lazy to change it to anything else. RyanE
  7. Topfox

    EA5 v2

    Selling an EA5v2 this upcoming week if anyone is interested. Looking for 500 + whatever shipping is to you. Preferred US.
  8. That is very smart. This is what I would do if I started over - use an uncommon third byte. My mistake was going 192.168.1.x. It doesn't hit me very often but it is a pain when your hotel uses that IP addressing scheme and you want to use VPN.
  9. Sonos, Autonomic and those using logitech media software/clones/bases are some I've seen it in the past. COMPETENT being the operative word. The biggest issue as I mentioned is that many ISP don't fall in that category. This will differ by area/location/country for sure - for us here it's less an issue within the city where regular 'wired' isps (cable/fibre) do fine, but we've seen issues with any and all 'wireless' providers (tower, cellular and satellite) that we deal with for clients outside city limits
  10. Hello, My DS2 doorstation has been working fine for 3 years but just recently, about 2 months ago, it stopped sending snapshot emails. I doublechecked the SMTP settings and everything looks correct. I can send test emails via the DS2 web interface, under email settings. So everything on the DS2 is configured correctly. However, when I try to use the Send Snapshot Email through the Actions tab in Composer I get this Lua message ------------------------------------------------------------ Action: SEND_EMAIL ------------------------------------------------------------ ERROR: ########################################## HELIOS_GET (SEND_EMAIL in ExecuteCommand) ################################################ ERROR: : transfer (GET api/email/send?to=mr.hizzle%40hotmail.com%3B+peytoncm%40outlook.com&subject=Control4+DS2+Door+Station+-+Motion+at+Fro I've tried different settings on the api/email HTTP Services from Secure(TLS) Basic and None and even Unsecure None but keep getting the above error. It's not giving me a lot to go by. Any help is appreciated.
  11. The random MAC is recreated only if you disassociate the network and rejoin it. If you don't, it will remain the same. For the intended application this is just perfect, I understand your mileage may vary.
  12. Sorry to say Alexa is very clunky and got rid of it because the same issues you are experiencing. It wouldn’t discover certain lights after after they were working for quite some time. Besides I got tired of trying to remember the names of each of my lights just to control them via voice. I’m a C4 dealer and installer. Have you heard of Josh AI ? It’s leaps and bounds better than clunky Alexa. Stop wasting your money having your dealer come out and try to fix Alexa. There isn’t any programming your dealer can do to fix Alexa.
  13. Curious to know which you've come across that have exhibited this. I may run a little project to see why this could be the case. Fundamentally, devices using DNS must work to RFC1035 so i could only assume some butchered implementation is in play with these select devices. As an aside to this line of discussion, it was not long ago when a bug with Roon servers caused them to hammer DNS requests at their configured server which caused the DNS host to consider this as Denial of Service and rate-limit and/or block traffic back to it. However, since most of these implementations were behind NAT'd connections, it meant that the public IP was blacklisted knocking out the whole (home?) network from all its DNS. Always contain this internally. Hi @Andrew luecke, ICMP replies test only the hardware level (i.e. port, Layer 3) and not the DNS stack (application, Layer 7). The latency in this case is the DNS stack actually responding to service requests, not the ping back from the physical port. Most competent DNS hosts are on the edge of the big networks anyway.
  14. Thanks I downloaded the firmware from the support tab. I feel like a tool, I was trying to find it under the Support tab at the top of the page, and that's dealer only access. Completely missed the tab next to the description. It looks like they are both on 1.3.10. Guess little need to update them. I am interested in the OVRC Pro and being able to see/control my network and project. I call my dealer, or this forum, when my C4 project is having issues, but it is nice to see what's going on if he, or others, can still log in Appreciate it
  15. https://www.control4.com/docs/product/an-210-switch/firmware-package/english/latest
  16. https://www.snapav.com/shop/en/snapav/araknis-networks-reg%3B-210-series-websmart-gigabit-switch-with-partial-poe-and-front-ports-an-210-sw-f-poe
  17. Thanks That’s no good. It shows option to update with firmware on local computer. My dealer had given me access via OVRC connect but no devices added. I set up an account but understand I need access to Pro, which is my EA5 or router, but my dealer has those claimed. Someone has offered to rent me a pro so I can claim. Not sure how that works for my dealer and access to C4. Something this simple shouldn’t be this much of PITA. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Last week
  19. So, I'm not sure if it has already been discussed in this thread, but in regards to performance. % ping PING ( 56 data bytes 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=60 time=2.682 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=60 time=3.116 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=60 time=2.502 ms Unless you are doing 100 lookups at a time, you're not likely to notice any performance difference on any decent internet doing internet lookups, especially because the TTL on a lot of major domains is likely set to a long period anyway (so won't be fetched regularly), can be done in parallel and Google / Cloudflare mostly colocate DNS servers close to many users around to the world. Maybe only if your ISP really sucks (or you have enterprise requirements) OpenDNS is the exception however, as I did notice in the past, that here in Australia, there was a considerable ping delay (I seem to recall 200ms), but this has likely changed now (as I think they're owned by Cisco now) Either Cloudflare or Google servers are mostly much of a muchness honestly
  20. Only real way to update anymore is via ovrc
  21. I have Araknis 210-SW-F-8-POE & 210-F-16-POE switches, and I’m looking for the latest firmware. Would appreciate copies if anyone has it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. I dunno. You may well be right, but I'm just a simple caveman Unifi end user, and it's hard for me to sort through the subtle points of contention here. I ended up unwinding all the experimentation I've done over the past week and reverting back to my longstanding settings: 1) Unifi WAN DNS directing to Cloudflare (with Google as secondary, as you do); 2) Firewalla box in bridge mode serving up DNS over HTTPS to its default set of DNS servers, which are Cloudflare, Quad9, OpenDNS, and Google; and 3) Unifi LAN DNS set to "auto." Roon search and streaming are still snappy, and all else remains well on the network, so maybe the DNS experimentation wasn't really doing anything for Roon anyway. Dollars to donuts that rebooting the Nucleus was all I actually needed to do!
  23. I’d reach out to Blackwire Designs. I’m sure he will do it, but can’t say what he’ll charge.
  24. I think you're asking for problems you won't be able to trace. I would not use with as a primary. using DNSSEC and blocklists.... good in theory by itself but a waste if your primary is Go with as your secondary and avoid any problems. Also as far as using the router for a home to speed DNS...well that's kinda stupid. Sure if you have 1000s of users you might get some cache hits, but the reality is you could end up slowing down streams because a name may not be cached and your going to your router, which then goes out to look for it. Since the Roon server is the device talking to the internet, and will be unique, you might as well do your DNS from it directly without the useless router in the middle. The only time you should use the router for DNS is if you have local names that need to be resolved.
  25. Hi all -- recently installed a few of these OpenEye cameras: https://www.openeye.net/products/camera/oe-c2012b8-s/ Not finding any c4 drivers for them. Any experience integration c4 with OpenEye? Is there a driver available? IF not, has anyone succeeded using a different driver and connecting with them? The camera has some good intrusion detection features that I would love to get integrated with c4. Much thanks.
  26. I've had one or two times where a super drained battery caused a remote to seemingly lock up. Have you tried removing (or at least loosing) the battery and simply putting it back in? Can always take the recharge out and plunk in 4 AA batteries see what it does. Also, see if the back lighting lights up on battery insert - the buttons i mean, not the screen, that's always a quick check for potential screen issue There is the 'red4 and number0' image swap as a last resort (takes awhile to finish and of course means reconnecting to system with Pro)
  27. My home network for historical reasons is 192.168.29.x. Someday I may change. RyanE
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