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RyanE last won the day on August 25

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  1. Mine is that because at a previous job (almost 20 years ago), the work VPN was segmented, and everyone needed their own range when logged in (back in 2000). I've been too lazy to change it to anything else. RyanE
  2. My home network for historical reasons is 192.168.29.x. Someday I may change. RyanE
  3. Or go with a 10.x set of numbers... You probably have the same issue, though... RyanE
  4. Not necessary, but also not a bad idea. I like knowing which devices on the network are 'guests' that have gotten IP addresses that aren't from my static DHCP range, and there are cases where devices don't handle SDDP very well (early Samsung TVs, I'm looking at you), that work better if addressed via IP address, and IMHO by far the easiest way to manage 'static' IPs is via DHCP reservation. All my addresses are in one place. RyanE
  5. I don't understand this comment. It shows room favorites on it's main screen, and you can select them just like you can on the Neeo. If you've favorited a mini app, like Netflix, Hulu, etc., it starts as soon as you press it, just like on the Neeo. I guess you mean you want it out of the 'clock' screen when you pick it up. I guess that does make sense. RyanE
  6. I don't know of a way, but I haven't done Samsung TV drivers since 2017. RyanE
  7. Nice and clean. I like it! RyanE
  8. Yeah, they're pretty easy to update, but I appreciate you also requesting an update from the minidriver support email (I am on the distribution list, but usually not the one who does it), since then they'll work for the next guy... RyanE
  9. Send an email to: universal_minidriver_dev@control4.com, with the c4z file name of the mini driver you want additional IDs added to, and the ID information (platform, app id, etc.). They get queued up, so it may take a while to get to them, but that should at least get the ball rolling. RyanE
  10. I think part of the reason you're getting a bit of pushback is that pretty much every dimmer uses the same colors: White: Neutral Black: Hot Red: Load Green: Ground Except, of course, the yellow, which you can (and should) ignore. If you have neutrals in the box, you should be good to go. Be careful, and good luck. RyanE
  11. You have a switch leg, possibly with no neutral in the box. While the KD-120 can be installed without a neutral, it's not recommended for 'modern' light loads (like LEDs, CFL, etc.), because they often will continue to glow when 'off', due to the necessary current to run the dimmer electronics. As mentioned above, if you don't know what a 'switch leg' is, and don't know what wire is what, I also recommend you get an electrician. RyanE
  12. Roku does not support SDDP. It does have it's own discovery process, which the driver can use to pick the player from a dropdown. I personally prefer static DHCP reservations for the Roku, and identifying by that IP Address. RyanE
  13. My system definitely has "The Cobbler's children have no shoes" syndrome. I have old programming and drivers that need to be cleaned out, as well as old hardware that I should really replace (Gen1 dimmers). RyanE
  14. I have 3 of those, they still work perfectly fine. I also have about 50 Gen1 Zigbee dimmers and 2/3/6-button zigbee keypads that work flawlessly (other than the physical buttons getting a bit soft), that I've had for over 19 years. RyanE
  15. Can you give me a single example of when Control4 deprecated hardware for marketing or sales reasons? RyanE
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