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Sirius Audio Channels via Dish Network

Guest Chris.Levin

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Guest Chris.Levin

Hi everyone,

This is my first post after reading the forums for a few weeks and it looks like everyone is having a lot of fun working with the Control4 systems.

I am a new engineer at Control4 so I hope to be able to help as much as I ask in the near future. In the meantime I am having a minor issue that I hope someone here can help me with.

I have a Dish Network system that includes the Sirius radio channels.

With my original setup I was able to access the Sirius channels correctly by selecting a music channel onscreen or via the remote. Now, after lots of reprogramming and other system changes (due to experimenting and learning the system) when I select a Sirius channel, instead of going to the correct channel on the satellite dish, C4 goes to the sat but enters the Sirius channel number.

For example, if I want to listen to Sirius disorder (which is Sirius channel 24), C4 switces to my Dish Network receiver (correct) but enters channel 24 instead of channel 6024 (Sirius channels are mapped to the 6000 range on the Dish Network).

Does anyone know how to get this working correctly? I think I got it working the first time by random chance instead of proper configuration.

Thanks in advance for any advice.

-Chris Levin

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Guest Chris.Levin

Well, I could probably do that and fix the problem but the thing is, it was working by default in the beginning. I do so wish I had written down exactly what I did!

I am nearly done setting up the rest of my test systems; once that's done I'm going to revisit the Dish Network/Sirius issue.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Chris.Levin

I never did figure out why this worked the first time but not after.

From my notes, I'm pretty sure I was using a different DVR driver. At the time I did not know much about the drivers so I chose randomly.

In any case, my fix was simple. I went into the media settings and updated the channel for each of the Sirius stations so that they matched the channels in the sat receiver. It took a few minutes but it's working perfectly and I don't have to add any scripts to handle such a basic function. I backed up the Sirius channels media list in case I ever need to use them again.

Low tech, but problem solved.


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If you scan in media for dish channels the Siris should have shown up with the right channel numbers and marked audio only as I recall. It should have nothing to do with the driver and you sure shouldn't have had to change them manually.


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