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Denon Hell!


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I have a Denon 2310CI with three HDMI sources hooked up to it. One output to a Panasonic plasma. All of the equipment (Controller, Denon, Sources, etc.) is in the basement and the TV is on the main floor. The room has 5.1 in ceiling/wall speakers hooked up to the Denon. I have 2 Cat6 and 3 RG6 runs to the TV. The issue I am having is connecting the TV to the receiver. I have tried Baluns (Cheapy and Knoll) no picture/audio out of either the TV or the receiver. I then tried hooking up an optical connection to the source and the Denon. I get audio if I unplug the HDMI connection from the receiver but no picture of course. As soon as I hook up the HDMI the audio is gone. I am assuming this is a HDMI HDCP issue or something along those lines. As I can hook a source directly to the TV through the Baluns and it works fine.

Fast Forward....

I pick up the JAP 2G Transmitter and Receiver. Hook them up together using the Cat6 run and they link up just fine. If I hook up a source directly to them I get audio and video no problem. If I hook it to the receiver my lovely problem comes back....

I know the other option is use a 4x1 switch or something like that but I shouldn't have to if there is one built into the Denon. Is this a problem specific to my Denon, firmware upgrade? Drive over it with a truck? Anyone? Help Please!!!

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