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Thermostats Battery Life?

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I have two thermostats, that are hardwired for power. My question is.........how come the unit still uses the battery and why do they only last 2 -3 months at most?

I have the backlight turned off so I dont see how it can be draining much power. AND it really sucks when the battery goes out at 11:00PM at night and it gets 87 degrees in my home!! I find my self going out to Wallmart (at 11:30pm ) to buy a new battery? lol



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Make sure the switch, inside the thermostat, is set correctly! If they are correctly hardwired - the battery is ONLY used when power is lost - you can test that your unit is correctly wired by REMOVING the battery all together - it should still work. If it doesn't - then either the switch isn't set correctly or it isn't wired correctly.

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