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Everything posted by ABC123

  1. Thank you very much for directing me to HA (Home Assistant), could be the solution offering what I am looking for.
  2. Thank you for all your comments. I am looking for, in the following order: 1) unified UI and unified user experience based on iPad and iPhone (app) 2) Automation rules for triggering specific events, going down to select the correct App AND content (e.g. in Plex, Netflix, Disney+) on my Apple TV (including light scenes, but that I already get from Homekit - would not be the reason to change) 3) Audio distribution? Currently I am using Roon Core on my NAS and I stream via Airplay to my B&O Beolabs / Beosounds. I am not sure if it is more user friendly (unified UI) to use Audio streaming via Control4? Why is Netatmo challenging? Main integration point I use Netatmo within Homekit is for presence detection via the security cameras to start automations (e.g. turning on / off lights).
  3. I am currently using Beovisions + Apple TVs as video clients and several Beosounds as music clients all based on B&O NetLink (not B&O Masterlink), Philips Hue as light system, Netatmo as security, weather and energy system, Roon as audio core, Plex as video core. I am currently playing with Apple Homekit and Siri to get my different home IoTs respectively home ecosystem integrated. But somehow, I am not happy with the result. I am searching for one system I can manage ALL my different IoT devices. 1) Could Control4 be a solution for me? 2) What is a good technical starting point to get a first “proof of concept” running, to find out if Control4 is what I am looking for? 3) Is it feasible to purchase some Control4 equipment in US, it is much cheaper than in Europe. I am a DIY, at least I enjoy it, to set-up my own automations ideas within Apple Homekit and Siri, to install and maintain my own server and NAS. Or to play with Raspberries and co. 4) What are the possibilities / boundaries I can install / maintain myself in the Control4 environment?
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