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Posts posted by tacos

  1. 18 minutes ago, JSTRONG said:

    You were texting Tom all hours for days, even after 10PM and he has pages and pages of text messages. then you started texting me asking about alarm systems then you posted the same questions on the forum. then you responded that you will wait for new controllers before moving forward. Like I said, lots of great remote programmers that can help you here.


    You are now LYING.

    I texted your guy 2/25, 2/28 and 3/3 for a total of 5-6 messages.  Initial message was sent as he emailed the quote to the wrong email address and subsequent were sent to confirm my email were coming through as he disappeared. 

    Please post these alleged PAGES of text messages. You have my permission.

    Suffice to say, please don't text/email me again.  Your character is really shining in these posts.


    edit - only reason I texted you was because your guy disappeared.

    edit 2 -  just found the ignore function on the forum - priceless. this will be my last comment about this dealer interaction.

  2. 33 minutes ago, JSTRONG said:

    You did Tacos. Then you posted our quote online and the same questions you asked us. If you don't trust us then by all means, there are lots of remote dealers here and I can  suggest a few for you. If you need references, we can send you hundreds and I am positive you wont find even one unhappy customer.

    Let me clarify a few things :

    The quote was posted prior to asking you anything. And whether/when I posted the quote, has no bearing on anything. Last I checked, I didn’t sign a NDA.

     I am looking back the email exchanges now.  I asked you/your staff less 10 questions, but I am glad you equate 10 with 1000. Btw, it was like pulling teeth getting responses initially to basic questions like “why no touchscreens?”

    And trust?  trust = competence + character.  See where you are on this equation yourself

    Plus didn’t you reach out yesterday asking if I want to move forward?


  3. 40 minutes ago, BXTR said:

    I would tend to disagree, “any” dealer can do anything you want but that doesn’t mean they’ll do it properly, reliably or have great service after the fact. 

    What will wire management in the rack look like, what’s the quality of the install, what did the rough in look like, what redundancy did it include, do you get along with the personalities of the company and there’s about 1000 other questions that should’ve been asked at the design stage, this is far from quoting on a bill of goods

    So -it is- like hiring a personal chef and far less like ordering a burger at a restaurant 

    Only after hours of consultation and system changes during the design stage can the true requirements be determined 

    Case in point and only one of hundreds of choices that need to be made in a substantial system- a salesman might say “the intrinsic ATV driver is fabulous, you’ll love it” whereas, based on experience, I would never for a second consider it for a client

    Long story short, getting opinions on specific items online is one thing, reviewing system design is entirely another

    Like the prior poster said - 90% fungible . 

  4. 22 minutes ago, wnpublic said:

    I can tell you've not hired a personal chef, because that is nothing like having home automation and infrastructure installed and configured/maintained.  I don't mean to be insulting, it is true of my profession too - but home automation dealers are largely fungible for 90% of customer needs.  Any one of dozens in a given metro area could do it.  So costs are a primary consideration and it is suitable for an RFP process.  Personal chef, not so much.

    But..but but..... his cable splicing skills coupled with his ability to place the speakers are second to none! :rolleyes:

  5. 17 hours ago, Cyknight said:

    Mostly sales numbers (for gold/platinum). There are some additional requirements, such as number of C4 trained employees, number of employees having done 'other' c4 certification, number of years in business, having a showroom, a few others but... yeah mostly sales.

    Epic is a bit more involved, in that there are slightly more stringent requirements and falls outside of the other 'levels' (you can be both).

    In and of itself being 'more' than an 'authorized dealer' doesn't mean it's a BETTER (or worse) dealer.

    Good to know. 

    so far I have only contacted the top tiers - will reach out a few others to gauge 

  6. 14 minutes ago, msgreenf said:

    That wasn't my idea...the ask was would people pay for a 3rd party audit/compare designs. I don't think they would...

    It is such a niche product that would be hard to scale 

    most people who automate just do it I would bet. It is a very small percentage who take the time to post like I did and inquire further

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