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Everything posted by EricaK

  1. Wait, are you saying the cert won't be fixed?? The web UI access absolutely is the fault of the cert. I had to weaken security on both my PC and VPN to allow it, and it won't work at all on my phone.
  2. Look, I have no desire to start an argument. Main thing is we both agree the cert needs to be fixed -- web UI access is also very important no matter what! Regenerating a fixed certificate should be possible soon, I hope.
  3. Yes but...I will say that I also noticed wireless thermostat disconnects, that is how I found the issue to begin with. The router may be not be directly involved, but if either the gateway or the thermostat cannot reliably get IP and DHCP info, it could certainly contribute to the problem. I hope this gets fixed soon.
  4. Thank you! I was able to get OpenVPN working at least, by changing the algorithm. But I will be glad to have the corrected certificate.
  5. A few weeks ago, the Control4 SSL certificate on our Pakedge router renewed itself. We noticed some minor problems around that time but did not debug. Today I finally dug into it, and realized that the certificate has an issue. When I tried to connect to the web ui, Edge and Chrome gave: ERR_SSL_KEY_USAGE_INCOMPATIBLE Apparently the cause is as follows: I was able to work around it on the web ui (on my desktop at least) with the solution here, though I don't love weakening the security that way. However, the VPN server still does not work, and the logs show that TLS negotiation is failing. I suspect this problem also plays a role in the wireless thermostat disconnects that started around the same time. I would like to get the certificate fixed. I see no way to generate a new one. Does anyone have a suggestion? I am willing to use the CLI but have not found any instructions on that, either.
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