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Occupancy sensors vs motion sensors


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Hi all,

I want to add sensors to control my lighting efficiently in a few rooms.

I already have my motion detectors in main rooms but i wonder if anyone has used other types of sensors like presence or occupancy sensors.... Which would be better than adding alarm type motion sensors ....


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Most security sensors work fairly well for motion based lighting, with the following tips:

1). Set pulse count to one for fast response, this may not be ideal if you are using the sensor for security.

2). Pay attention to placement, and masking to get the most definitive action based on the room, this is particularly important in rooms near hallways, such as 1st. Floor powder room.

3). Always trigger the light with the conditional that it is off, so that if you change the level, it doesn't revert.

4). Stop the auto-off timer at the beginning of a motion event, and reset it at the end of the motion event.

5) Program an override variable to prevent motion based lighting, a good use for it is if you press the light switch off to leave the room, you would enact the variable to true for say 10 seconds to prevent the light from turning on behind you.

6) Lastly I will tell you that I have about 5 more items in my motion based lighting, but alas I charge for my services and I can't give away all my secrets. You could think about tracking multiple motions though as a hint.

Good luck, and enjoy.


P.S.: One of my clients said it best when he said to me, "If I have automated light switches, then why am I still pressing buttons?"

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