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Integra Receiver 40.4


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I just had an Integra 40.4 receiver add to my project. I just noticed that the menu button (home on the real remote) doesn't work. This bugs me as I can't get into the setup menu, as the receiver is in another room. Was there something they didn't setup? Everything else works perfectly.

Speaking to the installer (friend of mine), he said that the driver didn't have the menu, home, setup, return buttons in it, so there was nothing he could do.

Is this true? Is there any work around for this? Maybe he could program the IR codes and add that device to my remote?


Any help would be appreciated. Thanks



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I assume you're using an IP or serial driver for the 40.4. To add the Integra setup capability:


1. Add a generic IO device e.g. DVD player and name it "Integra Setup"

2. Connect the HDMI out of the DVD to one of the Intetgra HDMI inputs (virtually of course)

3. Connect an IR flasher to Integra and bind the IR control to the DVD

4. Learn the commands the DVD device needs for the Integra setup (U/D/L/R setup / menu / cancel etc) for the DVD using the Integra remote

5. In programming state when Video Device selected = DVD switch input on Integra to a real device with a picture e.g. Cable box (you want to do this so when doing setup you can have the option of seeing programming onscreen at the same time for some of the setup elements e.g. adjusting lip sync)


To adjust Integra settings, simply choose "Watch Integra Setup" from your remote. Takes about 10 minutes.

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