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Russound MCA-C5 / Sonos Connect Auto Grouping Problems

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I have two Russound MCA-C5 controllers (16 audio zones total) and two Sonos Connect units in my Control4 install. If I go to, for example, Control4 Bedroom 1 and start playing Sonos 1 and then go to Bedroom 2 and start playing Sonos 2, both rooms are grouped into Sonos 1 within the Sonos controller and both rooms hear the same music. In other words, Control4 automatically activates the Sonos room grouping feature. The result is that it turns my two Sonos units into only one source.


My understanding from my dealer is that this is a bug that previously existed whenever there were two or more audio switches but that the issue is now resolved when using multiple Control4 audio switches but apparently still exists when using multiple Russound audio switches.


Has anyone found a resolution for this or does anyone have information confirming that this is a known bug? Thanks for any insight you can provide.

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