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Is the EA3 capable of RS485 communication?

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edit: no it's not, but the CA-1 is. I'll always have one laying around in future!



The "IR" outputs that can also be used for serial on the EA3 of course have just 3 pin rs232 (GND, RX, TX). Is this enough to attach to an RS232 to RS485 adapter and get communication going?

I have the DTech 232-485 adapter. I have a USB adapter for testing on my laptop. I am using the Generic serial driver from Yatun to send commands.

When I try via 232 (EA3 -> 3.5mm-DB9 adapter -> USB adapter -> laptop) the comms works perfectly, I get my full strings received: "@SS01:A07:F03" (this is for an iLight system)

When I try via 485 (EA3 -> 3.5mm-DB9 adapter -> 232-485 adapter, output via [T/R+] / [T/R-] -> USB adapter -> laptop) I see the RX light flash on my usb adapter but I just receive "m".


Am I trying to do something that just won't work? Do i require a full-sat serial port to do this? Or am I just using the wrong ports on the 485 side? I have a choice of [RX-]/[RX+]/[T/R-]/[T/R+] but I'm worried to try tying outputs together or anything like that in case I just blow it. Do I need to power the adapter, it claims to be bus powered but I'm not sure from which side..

As you can tell I am not familiar with serial communication and have been thrown in to this without any help just an instruction to make it work :D

Thanks in advance if anyone can help. The C4 tech support guy thought it should work, suggested I might need to power the adapter or short some of the outputs together.

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10 minutes ago, Pounce said:

Would an SI-2 system integrator device solve your needs?

I am aware of that device. Long story short, I'm replacing a CP3 which talked to the iLight over 485 and I don't have access to the internals of the iLight panels due to very stupidly built joinery, so going 485 is highly preferable.

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9 minutes ago, timbooo said:

I am aware of that device. Long story short, I'm replacing a CP3 which talked to the iLight over 485 and I don't have access to the internals of the iLight panels due to very stupidly built joinery, so going 485 is highly preferable.

I understand stupid joinery.

Its been a while since I tested something like this, but 485 is half duplex so you can't do a loopback test. If you have another rs232 - rs485 it might help. EA3>RS232/RS485>RS485/RS232>RS232/USB>computer.


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11 hours ago, Pounce said:

You need two RS232/RS485 adapters.

Actually I meant I would try using the output of the CA1 instead. At first I tried normal RS232 and nothing happened at all, which was weird, then I wired up for direct 485 from the CA1 (pins 6 and 8 out of the rj45) and (after loads of fiddling and swearing) it works!

Sudden new appreciation for this dinky little box, it's serial port is on par with a CP3 - 232 (allegedly..), 422 and 485 straight out.

If anyone is reading, is there a 'command' to leave a pause between messages sent out that I can use in the driver editor.



I need 100ms pause between sending those two strings.

Otherwise I'll just have to split all the commands into singles and do it in programming. Easy. Job done!

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51 minutes ago, Pounce said:

Glad you got it working. Not totally clear on what you ended up with.

CA-1 > iLight RS485 interface directly. "It just works".

Wrote my own serial driver, got all the commands by hooking my laptop up to the Crestron (hack, spit) processor and pressing buttons on the old touchscreens and reading the output.

Programmed a load of experience buttons with the relevant scenes.


The SI-2 would have given control of the actual light loads, i.e. would have been the proper way to do it, but it just wasn't possible.

Somehow it all came together in the end. Thanks for at least trying to help :D

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