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Luma 500 playback image quality problem

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I have a Luma 500 DVR inherited from previous owner. The issue I encountered seems to be extremely basic. Hope someone can give me some clue where to look at.

1. I can use the very old IE to log into the device and do everything I want. The problem is IE is so old and out of support from Microsoft. When I try some modern browsers, I got an error said failed to detect plug in. Besides IE, is there any browser supported using PC?

2. I prefer to use PC to operate Luma. So I downloaded Luma VMS software and in a hope that I can avoid using IE. Luma VMS seems to cover all the features browers provided but the problem I encountered is the playback image quality is bad. I attached two sample images that shows playback from IE and Luma VMS. Do I miss any settings that can improve Luma VMS playback? The weird thing is the live view on VMS software looks good and matches IE. Only Remote Playback is bad.




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Some update on this troubleshooting. 

I noticed on Luma Phone app, when playing back videos, it has an option to toggle high resolution or medium resolution videos. If I set to high, the video looks beautiful.

Both Luma VMS PC software and Luma Phone app connect to port 8000. Since phone app works, I would assume the problem is on the PC software.

My understanding is Luma VMS somehow decided to use the low resolution stream to play back the video. Somehow I need a way to change it to use high resolution stream.

After carefully reading Luma VMS manual, I noticed the following description in the camera group setting under manage device tab: "Playback Stream Type: Select the stream for the playback of
the camera. This only displays if it supports dual-stream."

Looks like it does have a way to enable high resolution stream for playback.

Now, the problem is that selection of Playback Stream Type did not even show up!

I am not sure if this is a bug on VMS software.


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