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Kwikset lock programming


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So seems like the variables allowed such as “unlocked manually” is for any type of unlocking - with the manual thumb knob, a key or keypad.  Via proxy is if C4 does it through a command (example when I press goodnight it checks and locks doors if open, that would be via proxy)

so what I want to do is send a notification if a user enters.  This seems straight forward. My personal code is #2, so I have if user code is = 2 do XYZ and if user code is not 2 do ABC

problem is, even manually opening up the door to go outside is executing programming.

Basically if its one of 4-5 people with an active code I want push message sent, alarm turned off and a variable turned to T

If that door is locked by pressing the button, if that variable is still T turn it to F, turn the alarm back on and send a text that the last user who opened the door left

so I have all that programming, but again if I just unlock the door to take the dog out, the commands start processing.

I used to have V1x of this of this driver and it was dead simple to do, with v3.x it is now a pain.  Sometimes newer isn’t better I suppose

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