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Qolsys IQ2 Panel - battery sensor information


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To be fair, I don't know if the panel even sends this info out beyond the 'text' version for the interface to begin with - I'd honestly be surprised if it did though (pleasantly so).

If it does, it should theoretically be possible for a driver to be created to capture that info and send it on.Now - if you're super dedicated to get this, one could arguably see if the panel sends the info in an error message, if the driver could grab that string, then you could create a variable if statement to compare the error message with tests you've done for each sensor, then create programming for each sensor to send you a message....(the paid variable driver would help here)....of course you'd have to get some dead batteries and do each sensor one by one, then do a few checks if multiple low battery messages come though individually or a as group and how that could be handled .....



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@Cyknight thanks for sharing your thoughts!

It seems this may not be easy to do?

Here's why im interested:

I'm using a code here:


that connects locally to my Qolsys Panel, and dumps sensor information to my MQTT broker, which then I use in Home Assistant for home automations. Works amazingly well, and fast, uses Control4 for communications. It has sensor state, tamper status, and maybe other attributes of the sensor but it does NOT have any battery information.

Maybe a few months ago, I has to replace my glass break sensor batteries because the panel told me that (it showed up as error/issue on the panel), so I don't know creating a driver might be able to allow battery information via Control4

I can do some testing...but definitely not coding...lol


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