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Media Player Nivarna?

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In the per suite of finding the best media player using (most formats and 1080p as minimal with HD sound, silent as possible, least heat, fastest and the smallest possible) I think I may have found it. Not only does it fit all those categories but I think I could probably (and am going to do it this week) get the XBMC HTTP driver to work with it :) So control4 will work with this little beast.

Which media player am I talking about: WD Live TV (If you want the version that has NetFlix support - WD Live TV Plus.

Now here is the trick, by default the default software does not support HTTP commands or interface but with a custom firmware that the guys have built it has changed this little beast into the close to perfect and small media player. So small mine is permanently stuck to the back of my TV :)

With the custom firmware it opens up quite a bit i.e.

1. HTTP Support including a web page you can hit logon and control the little bugger

2. Multiple shares supported i.e. NFS, Samba etc

3. FTP support

4. Movie WALL :) and Cover art in MULTIPLE different ways looks really cool :)

5. Bunch of online services support

others as off the website


Share files using any network protocol you want, samba, nfs, cifs without connection problems

Torrent client

NZB client

Read rar files

Web server that allows access to box functions over the lan for controlling playback, mp3 list, etc

Use any remote control you currently own to control the box

Jump to any location in the currently playing file, want to go to 1 hour, 20 minutes, 18 seconds in a movie ?

transfer files to and from the box with ftp

I hear they looking into Facebook and twitter integration into it :)

If you want to look at it while I try sort out the driver (and run it past Alan first as his driver will be used as the basis):

1. Official website: http://wdtvlive.com/

2. Custom Firmware site: http://b-rad.geg0r.de/index.php

3. Forum for custom Firmware http://wdtvforum.com

4. Cool add on's like a remote for your PC etc etc http://b-rad.geg0r.de/index.php?dir=other-wdtv-stuff%2F

5. Examples of Movie wall and Movie posters for the little bugger http://wdtvforum.com/main/index.php?topic=4938.0;prev_next=next#new

Have Fun :)OH before I forget I bought this on my last trip to the USA in Seattle Fry's Electronics for $99 which is nothing ....... - I bought a 64gig SSD driver $120 (also nothing for a SSD) and hooked it up to the media center.


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