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Everything posted by JakeFromSF

  1. Heck yeah! This is awesome. I am adding this to my toolbox. I noticed it says to contact you for dealer pricing. Would you mind PMing me what that pricing would look like so i can add it into my quote system. Also is that pricing per unit or is that an unlimited use price?
  2. Hey @poseidonsystems Thanks! Does that 50% coupon expire after a week? I think i got a voicemail while I was on my Honeymoon but i couldn't hear it well. But i thought i heard someone say that the coupon expired on me.
  3. Unfortunately not yet. Where do you recommend I start looking to become a dealer for TVs?
  4. I bet you are right. I didn't give him the model number nor did he give me his. Regardless, the TV I quoted was off Amazon because i couldn't find dealer pricing on them anywhere.
  5. It was the same model so he says but from what im hearing above in this thread is maybe the Costco TVs are similar but have missing features?
  6. This sounds pretty similar to what ive found so far in my research. Even the first customer I submitted a quote to for TVs said he found a better price as Costco and was going to purchase them there and let me integrate it into the C4 system.
  7. Yeah i wasn't sure either. I think some people may just be protective of this field and that's okay! I am just excited to get to try my hand at something im passionate for and getting to become my own boss in the process. I do appreciate everyone who gave me the information I needed to get this far.
  8. Ive spoken with a few professionals in the field and they are getting me into their circles for more retrofit projects. They said that's where you make the most money so ill chase that as well! Thanks for the good luck! Ill be sure to keep you posted on my progress. As for the doubt, let me know what you would like to see to prove im a dealer lol.
  9. Im fortunate enough that my other side business and my Engineer wife will keep me afloat long enough to try it out. Also a plus we dont have any kids or major expenses yet! Starting young has its benefits.
  10. I am trying to find out who to sign up as a dealer for to get better pricing on TVs for my customers. SnapAV and Control4 only offer exterior or waterproof TVs but I am just looking for standard TVs. Any ideas of where i should start?
  11. Yeah from the research ive been doing that looks like the key.
  12. Any recommendations for quote building software? Either I have yet to be able to find it in the dealer portal or C4 doesnt have one but I see an immediate need for a good quote building software for C4 dealers to provide pricing to customers. What are you guys using?
  13. Hey @knowitall! Just wanted to update you. I am officially a Control4 dealer Thanks for the push I needed to dive in.
  14. I imagine so. I think I am going to try what someone up above had mentioned and start by 1. selling and installing over the counter automation products and 2. partnering with a larger automation firm a few towns over that i dont have to compete with, allow them to be my distributor and I just handle selling and installing. Either this or find someone on here who would be interested in being a partner until I have enough sales and experience that i am able to get C4 to allow me in the door. Any additional insight is greatly appreciated.
  15. That is a fantastic idea! I had not thought of that but you are very much right. Thank you guys for the help!
  16. Well darn nabbit. How do you recommend I get into the field? Is there another manufacturer I need to start with before moving over to C4? I am just looking at running a business out of my home for now, doing just residential installation on new construction via a network of home builders im close with.
  17. Thanks knowitall, I'll keep that in mind. I plan on doing new residential. I will need to talk with C4 to see if they require an actual showroom as the company I've spoken too in Oklahoma doesn't have a physical showroom. Any other bits of information anyone may have would be great!
  18. Afternoon guys, I have finally decided to pull the trigger and quit my job to pursue something ive always wanted to do, Automation. I have a strong background in programming, microelectronics and wiring as well the job im leaving is in Construction so ive got a good grasp on that side. I would like to open up a shop in my town doing home automation with Control4 products as no one around here is currently doing that. I have no doubt I can pick up what ever skills are necessary in installing these systems myself but the information you find online about the startup costs of something like this are incredibly vague. Can you automation pros tell me your stories of how you got started, what I should expect to fork over up front to bring on Control4 and if there is anything i may be overlooking? I am based in Texas.
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