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The Remote Guy 13

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  1. For what it's worth, I used another computer and I was able to add as normal.
  2. Help please. I removed a second EA-1 from a project. Now I want to add it to another room and it seems to just crash Composer. It is identified as discovered in SDDP yet it won't let me add it. I also try adding an EA-1 from the Drivers page and it will not let me add it from there either. Both the controller and the second EA-1 are on 3.4.1 Very odd. Any ideas?
  3. Would you be kind enough to share what differences you noticed (if any) when you switched from the EA-5 to the Core-5? Thank you
  4. The bug thing is something I hadn't anticipated. I only wanted to know if the speed increase was noticeable. However everyone shifting the conversation to a CA-10 is starting to make sense now.
  5. No worries. That was what my post was about. Everybody talking about the CA-10 and driver problems, but nobody answering what I asked. When they were announced, there was a mention of faster processors and user experience. So I was just wondering if anybodies experience mirrored this. But it hasn't seemed to....
  6. Who said my project is run on a CA-10? You might want to actually read my original post. Or even the post that you quoted. If you can answer what I asked I would appreciate it. If not, then thank you for the info. Edit: I just noticed that you added "If you are asking if a Core5 is faster than an EA5, yes …but not that noticeably." Thank you.
  7. Great. Another CA10 post that doesn't answer anything I asked. I give up. Perhaps I didn't word my post properly.
  8. Yes. And time will tell what CORE Lite is. Perhaps small boxes to put behind the television.
  9. While I do appreciate the replies and info, I don't understand why only one person answered my question. Which essentially was if upgrading from an EA controller has anyone noticed any speed increases. I only see reference to driver problems and CA10s... So I will have to take away that there is no speed increase, in fact possibly slower.
  10. Hi. I can't seem to find any posts commenting on the speed increases of the new Core processors. Can someone give me an idea if it is even noticeable going from an EA 3 processor? Does anyone even know which chips they are using? I can't say I notice any kind of lag now but just wondering if anyone finds the Core processors more snappy.
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