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Rainbird Irrigation Control


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A driver for the Rain Bird ESP-LX was supposedly under development by the folks at www.c4appstore.com. However, that site has recently been taken down (you can find a cached version here http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:gCKgUx2zTg8J:www.c4appstore.com/drivers/rain-bird-esp-lx-controller/+&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us) and there was no reply from those developers to my inquiries as to whether they made any progress.

Since I already have that controller, I'm hoping that someone might know - is this integration in the works from any other developers?

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Here is the (quick) reply I got TheDriversLab:

Sorry to disappoint, but C4AppStore was not acquired by us, rather C4Store was.

Even though those Drivers are not in the works by us, I would be happy to add them to the list for our developers to look at. If you'd like, I can mark your name down and let you know if we decide to work on those in the future.

If anyone else is interested in the Rainbird (or Hayward pool driver which I also requested), it may be a good idea to drop a line to TheDriversLab.

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