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MultiRoom Entertainment Solution Announced


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I just saw this article. I think C4 has lost their way. Maybe I'm wrong, but I thought C4 was targeting the middle market with "affordable" rpoducts. This hardly seems like a solution that is feasable or reasonable for that market space. Imagine the conversation with the client who has a middle market home, say $350,000. It will only cost a quarter the price of your home to have video and audio in 12 zones. Will that be cash or charge? Yeah, joe six pack is looking for an $85,000 solution for his automation needs. This will really drive market penetration.

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Sony has sold this same bundle for quite some time now, but their control solution was (imho) not as good as the Control4 control solution. This is the same bundle with Control4 control.

It's still a Sony piece, but with better automation.

That said, it doesn't change anything about what Control4 is selling, and for what prices.

It's just another way to market Control4, as well as giving Sony some better control for some of their pre-configured systems.

Exactly how does this indicate that Control4 has lost its way?



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I agree with Ryan - I only see positive outcomes from this... nothing negative. Control4 already tightly integrates with a lot of Sony product (777 and the new video switch to mention two major units). So this will only continue to build a stronger relationship for them as well as help Control4 grow even more (and I'm sure it's not hurting Sony to get more and more into the automation market that they seem to always be outside looking in on - no matter what they do). :)

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