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NetPlay enables you to watch all your video sources on your tablets & smartphones


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Do your customers have kids?  Do those kids spend all their time on their mobile devices?

Of course they do :)


The new mobile streaming feature included in NetPlay Video now allows everyone in the family to watch any (or all) live HDMI video sources directly on their smartphones, tablets, or computers!  Watch exactly what you want, when you want, from anywhere on your wireless network.


NetPlay mobile streaming works seamlessly with all the other exciting NetPlay features.  You can watch 6 video streams on one TV, video with PIP on another, video walls in the main room, and the same sources playing back on several tablets at the same time.  Our multi resolution technology always insures that each display receives the best quality signal without compromise. 


Fully integrated in Control4.  Video playback inside the C4 gui?  Not yet, but that would be the logical next step......


Sound too good to be true?  No, this is real and available today.  See our demo videos at:


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Technically it is possible to do that, but it isn't a focus for us to directly integrate.  However, you certainly can use a PC server with Media server software to receive the RTSP NetPlay stream and then serve that content via the internet to devices outside your home.


You do need to update all encoders and decoders to enable this feature.  There is also a new software license required.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Been playing with this feature for a week or so now and its great.  I set up a media server so I can watch out of the house.  Stream is great.  Little back and forth between C4 app and the streaming media server app to pick a channel but otherwise its really great.

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