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6.3mm jack.  I like the crossfade the more I think about it.  I use a KJ rather than a DJ mixer so that's one missing element I wish I had.  But, KJ units have echo, reverb and delay.


So, one last thought before you pull the trigger, that's C4 integration.  None of these so-called DJ mixers have IR control.  Give it a little more thought as to whether or not a KJ mixer w/remote would work better for you.

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From what I've seen, full karaoke set ups are a lot more expensive than the option I'm looking at.

I also like the idea of using Youtube, this way the kids have the choice of all the current songs, they can either sing along to the true song, or find a karaoke version with the vocals removed.

I may regret not having IR control, but I can probably leave the mixer on 24/7 (???) and the mic receiver can be turned on when we go get the microphones.

The receiver will still power up and have volume control via the C4 SR remote, so I will have a master volume control anyway.

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Perhaps.  As long as you switch away from the mixer IN on your AVR during downtime, you won't hear the dreaded hiss.  I don't have a real issue with using YT it's just not viewed as being true "karaoke".  As far as cost of a Karaoke mixer, Audio 2000s is pretty popular here.  The AKJ7404 is around $280 USD and is unpowered.  The AKJ7300 is a club mixer with KJ feature for around same price.  Neither are $150-classed but will give you far more control over your show.  The 7404 is what I use and highly recommend.  Another feature I almost always use during a gig is key control.  You will not find that on a DJ board...

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I found this option: Karaoke Amplifer

Assuming I could use the Line Out to plug into my receiver.

Would there be any advantages in using this over this Mixer ??


One would be the remote, but that is not a biggie for me..

It's more about getting a good usable option that won't break speakers or receiver.

No, steer clear of that one.  No sense with an active amp only to use the line-level output.  It sounds like this maybe boiling-down to whatever you can get locally there.  


Nothing passive (such as the two models I gave you) is going to "break" anything.  Over driving/feedback could come from misuse of anything in between the mic and the speakers and speaker/mic placement itself.  Equipment leading to the amp with VU meters/LEDs is always recommended.  But, this is moot because you won't be manning the mixer.  Perhaps I understated the use of the DBX 1074.  This device can control and/or eliminate just about any input characteristic leading to FB or hiss and controls maximum discreet channel input to the final amp.  


Think about it, singers that like to shout are going to force you to attenuate that channel.  YT material that was posted by some kid with no idea of proper editing skill will drive you back to the mixer to boost that input and then you run into the dangerous situation of over driving the amp on the next YT video edited with audio in the red.  I know having remote capability is not high on your priority list but since rack location is not local to where your singers will be, it's a little tough to come through with something suitable here.  

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Thanks for all your advice

I've decided to go for a behringer mixer which has eff control and delay.

Along with a cheap dual wireless mic set up.

I agree, no point getting a karaoke mixer amp if not using the amplifier/speaker outputs.

I can also set the receiver to stereo when playing this source so the rear ceiling speakers are not active with a chance of the mics being waved around below them. Hopefully that help with feedback issues.

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Please keep me posted when this equipment is in place.  Beyond this first step, I would like to present another way to spend your money :)  I'm thinking a better approach might be to send you a video of a previous 80s party held here which cost me a couple of hundred $USD to recover from...  Over and out.

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