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Time of day wrong

Robert Hardin


After my electricity went off for a few minutes, the time of day is incorrect in my system. The GUI is showing correct time but 250 remotes are not. Temperature control therefore is not being driven as I like due to the wrong time of day issue..example Home theatre which is programmed to cut temp up at AM hours is actually using those temps during PM hours.

i have a HC800 with other 300 controllers running 2.9.  I’ve rebooted the controllers but time remains wrong. Long time control4 user. First time ever had this issue.

Thanks for any help!

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You'll likely need someone on-site to look at what happened.

The remotes pull the time through the zigbee network and from the primary controller (hc800). As possibly a first check, I would make sure the time on the HC800 is correct. Aside from that, having someone troubleshoot on-site would be the next step.

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