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Veraplus / Motion sensor

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Trying to integrate Veraplus into C4.  Have the Vera driver connected - "Vera connection successful - Full device data downloaded.  I then loaded a generic motion sensor.

Under properties of the Zwave controller, I have the zwave management link listed under inputs - but there are no sensors to bind to.

Some questions:

1. Where will I see the devices in Vera? 

2. How do I bind the motion sensors to Vera?

Thanks in advance

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So - I added the Vera ZWave security sensor driver, and it is bound to the Vera Controller.  The ZWave security sensor is connected to the generic motion sensor.  When I run my hand over the actual sensor - I can see a change of state to closed (verified = Yes).  So it seems to be working.

Under programming:

When the Motion sensor senses motion: If specific light is off, then turn on that light 

When the Motion sensor stops sensing motion: If specific light is off, then turn off that light

When I hit the execute button for each script, they each execute.

I have many other events tied to similar logic - just cannot seem to have the motion sensor trigger simply turning on a light

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